Forum Replies Created

  • rgiu70

    August 27, 2024 at 10:21 am in reply to: How to deserialize a Kafka topic message with kfk.q
  • rgiu70

    August 27, 2024 at 10:16 am in reply to: How to deserialize a Kafka topic message with kfk.q

    Thank you very much for your response.

    I have tried to adapt the helper to the model I am using, and it seems to be working…

    The problem I am encountering is that I still cannot populate the hdb table with the incoming data from the Kafka topic (which should now be correctly deserialized).

    Could you please take a look and let me know if you notice any errors?

    Thank you very much for your patience….

    schema – (sym.q)

    trade:([]time:timestamp$();sym:symbol$();price:float$();size:long$();side:char$())<br></pre><p><br></p><p>consumer.q</p><p><br></p><pre>\l kfk.q<p>kfk_cfg: <i></i>!<br>         ("localhost:9092"; "consumer-group-1"; "10"; "1000")</p><p>client: .kfk.Consumer kfk_cfg;</p><p>topic_trades: <i>trades;
    trades:([] time:timestamp$();sym:<span style="background-color: var(--bb-content-alternate-background-color); font-size: 1rem; color: var(--bb-body-text-color);">symbol$();price:float$();size:long$();side:char$())</span></p><p>data_trades: ()<br><br>h: neg hopen <i>::5010

    // Json Helper
    generalHelper:{[t;d]![t;();0b;key[d]!{(x;y)}'[value d;key d]]}

    castRules: timesympricesizeside</i>!("P"$;$;float$;long$;first)

    topcb_trades: {[msg]
    msgDict: .j.k msg[data</i>];<br> convertedMsg: generalHelper[enlist msgDict; castRules];<br> <br> -1 "convertedMsg Content:";<br> -1 .Q.s convertedMsg;<br> <br> if[not 98h=type convertedMsg; // check if table<br> -1 "Error:convertedMsgis not a table.";<br> :() // Exit<br> ];<br> if[0=count convertedMsg; // check if empty<br> -1 "Error:convertedMsgis empty.";<br> :() // Exit<br> ];<br> <br> // Check data type<br> -1 "Data type:";<br> -1 raze ("time: ", string type each convertedMsg<i>time),
    (" sym: ", string type each convertedMsgsym</i>),<br> (" price: ", string type each convertedMsg<i>price),
    (" size: ", string type each convertedMsgsize</i>),<br> (" side: ", string type each convertedMsg<i>side);

    trades </i>insert convertedMsg;<br> -1 "Insert in local tabletrades--> done.";<br> <br> h(".u.upd"; <i>trade; convertedMsg);
    -1 "remote tickerplant update --> done.";

    -1 .Q.s convertedMsg;

    -1 "Subscribing to topic trades...";
    .kfk.Subscribe[client; (topic_trades); enlist .kfk.PARTITION_UA; (topcb_trades)]

    pollKafkaAsync: {
    .kfk.Poll[client; 0; 0];

    if[count data_trades > 0;
    -1 .Q.s last data_trades;



  • rgiu70

    August 25, 2024 at 10:54 am in reply to: How to deserialize a Kafka topic message with kfk.q
  • rgiu70

    July 23, 2024 at 4:24 pm in reply to: Range Bar in kdb

    So it is necessary to:

    1. Map the cumulative (high – low)
    2. If the cumulative (high – low) is greater than the set range, then a new bar is generated, independent of time
    3. When a new bar is generated, the high – low “counter” must reset and start from 0

    Unfortunately, I can’t recreate this logic with scan. In the example I shared, it is very rudimentary but it works. That is, every time the range exceeds the set value, an index number is incremented by 1 (new bar index).

  • rgiu70

    July 23, 2024 at 4:17 pm in reply to: Range Bar in kdb

    This is a specific example for this type of bars (range bar chart):

  • rgiu70

    July 23, 2024 at 4:13 pm in reply to: Range Bar in kdb

    Thank you for the response.

    Specifically, I would like to create bars from a tick-by-tick dataset, where each bar has a specific range (for example, 10 pips). So, every time the max-min range is equal to 10, the “counter” should reset and start counting max-min again. Every time the range is greater than 10, a new OHLC bar is generated.