Forum Replies Created
This article may be of interest if you have not seen it:
MemberSeptember 11, 2024 at 4:18 pm in reply to: Store array of bytes in a table columnq does not have a type for lists of lists so you use the generic untyped list ()
q)tab:([] bytesCol:())
q)`tab insert enlist (0x0021;0x0002232)
0 1
q)meta tab
c | t f a
--------| -----
bytesCol| X
q)type tab`bytesCol
0h -
MemberSeptember 9, 2024 at 8:14 am in reply to: Is it save to write to the same sym file by 2 or more q processes currently.Q.en uses ?. It is ? that does the locking. So both at the same time is fine.
Enum Extend | Reference | kdb+ and q documentation - kdb+ and q documentation
Enum Extend is a q operator that extends an enumeration.
If a line ends in ; then the output is not displayed.
$ cat test.q
a:til 10
f[a;5]; /Not displayed
f[a;200] /Displayed
f[a;.01]; /Not displayed
$ q test.q
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Note that -1 will display items differently than letting q display them
$ cat test.q
a:til 10
f:{"the answer is "," "sv string x*y}
f[a;200] //Result will print but include "" around it
f2:{-1 "the answer is "," "sv string x*y}
f2[a;200] //Result printed to standard out does not display "". -1 is also shown as the returned value.
f2[a;200]; // Same as above but ; suppresses -1 bring shown
f3:{-1 "the answer is "," "sv string x*y;}
f3[a;200] //; moved inside the function to supress -1
$q test.q
"the answer is 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800" //f[a;200]
the answer is 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 //f2[a;200]
-1 //f2[a;200] continued
the answer is 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 //f2[a;200];
the answer is 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 //f3[a;200]
MemberAugust 27, 2024 at 10:50 am in reply to: xgroup error in taxi and weather analysisAdd .reset_index() when you create the tables to unkey them, then the for loop will run as you expect. For example:
group_taxi_dates = kx.q.xgroup("pickup_date", taxi_tab).reset_index()
MemberAugust 26, 2024 at 12:37 pm in reply to: How to deserialize a Kafka topic message with kfk.q**Untested** but a basic comsumer for testing for you would look something like:
\l ../kfk.q
kfk_cfg:(!) . flip(
trades:([] time:`timestamp$();sym:`$();price:`float$();size:`long$();side:`char$())
`trades insert generalHelper[enlist .j.k "c"$msg[`data];castRules]
.kfk.Subscribe[client;enlist topic1;enlist .kfk.PARTITION_UA;enlist topcb1] -
MemberAugust 26, 2024 at 12:34 pm in reply to: How to deserialize a Kafka topic message with kfk.qIf you review this blog post you will find it useful:
Kdb+/q Insights: Parsing JSON Files | KX
//Create a sample msg for testing
q)msg:`time`sym`price`size`side!("2024-08-25T10:50:10.743928";"ABC";117.4;67f;enlist "B")
time | "2024-08-25T10:50:10.743928"
sym | "ABC"
price| 117.4
size | 67f
side | ,"B"
//Enlisting a dictionary beomcesa single row table
q)enlist msg
q)time sym price size side
"2024-08-25T10:50:10.743928" "ABC" 117.4 67 ,"B"
//The datatypes are not what we want
q)meta enlist msg
c | t f a
-----| -----
time | C
sym | C
price| f
size | f
side | C
//Use the function from the linked blog
//Define the casting rules - adjust to what you would like
//Now the msg can be handled to the datatypes we require
q)generalHelper[enlist msg;castRules]
time sym price size side
2024.08.25D10:50:10.743928000 ABC 117.4 67 B
q)meta generalHelper[enlist msg;castRules]
c | t f a
-----| -----
time | p
sym | s
price| f
size | j
side | c
//Create an empty table to test saving the data
q)trades:([] time:`timestamp$();sym:`$();price:`float$();size:`long$();side:`char$())
time sym price size side
//We can insert the rows as they arrive
q)`trades insert generalHelper[enlist msg;castRules]
time sym price size side
2024.08.25D10:50:10.743928000 ABC 117.4 67 B -
MemberAugust 19, 2024 at 11:21 am in reply to: Run Jupyterq notebook with limit CPU coresYou could start Jupyter with a core restriction:
taskset -c 0-15 jupyter notebook
Or see this answer I posted previously: (you could choose 0-15 rather than 0,1)
Edit the file
{ "argv": [ "taskset", "-c", "0,1", "q", "jupyterq_kernel.q", "-cds", "{connection_file}" ], "display_name": "Q (kdb+)", "language": "q", "env": {"JUPYTERQ_SERVERARGS":"","MPLBACKEND":"Agg"} }
If you have already installed you can ensure Jupyter picks up the changes by reinstalling the kernel:
python -m jupyter kernelspec install --user --name=qpk /path/to/kernelspec
And you can validate in a notebook with
system"taskset -pc ",string .z.i
You can see an example of streaming data from over Websockets here:
For REST APIs the best library to use is kurl:
MemberAugust 12, 2024 at 10:17 am in reply to: license error: k4.lic personal editionInstall instructions:
Licencing specifics:
Your folder structure should look similar to:
$ tree ~/q
├── m64
│ └── q
├── kc.lic
└── q.kAnd you’d set:
export QHOME="/home/user/q"
MemberAugust 12, 2024 at 10:11 am in reply to: Unable to install the pykx in DataBricks. Got PyKXException: Failed to initializThe error is:
‘2024.08.12T08:04:56.974 couldn’t connect to license daemon — exiting
This means the licence you have is an online-license which needs to contact a licencing server on initialisation to verify it is valid.
The network is either not available or there are firewall rules preventing this verification to be made.
More details here:
MemberAugust 6, 2024 at 10:46 am in reply to: Process requests before continuing with scriptYou can use a timer and wrap the rest of the code in a function.
h:(); .z.po:{h,:x};
{system "q ",x," -p 0W &"} each ("feed1.q";"feed2.q");
.z.ts:{if[2=count h;system"t 0";main[]]}
\t 1000
main:{[] show "Rest of code" }Or move the code out to a different file and only load that once the handles are open:
h:(); .z.po:{h,:x};
{system "q ",x," -p 0W &"} each ("feed1.q";"feed2.q");
.z.ts:{if[2=count h;system"t 0";system"l main.q"]}
\t 1000 -
q)-1 reply;
👍 -
MemberAugust 27, 2024 at 10:46 am in reply to: How to deserialize a Kafka topic message with kfk.qYou do not need pollKafkaAsync.
Otherwise things look fine.