Forum Replies Created

  • kadir_kilicoglu

    August 17, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: Transform Specific Column Values

    Thank for your suggestions rocuinneagain I’ll definitely try to adapt them in my context but please note that we can neither assume a 4-character root or the first non-capital letter as a suffix.

    Instead, do you think that the SSR function might work? That is actually the challenge somehow go over each data line for each conversion line pattern matching in the most optimized way.

  • kadir_kilicoglu

    August 13, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: cron job q script with timer

    I copied this answer from your other question:

    Hello Angela,

    In your cronjob, you can start a script like;

    0 12 * * * sh /<path-to-your-script>/<your-script>.sh >> <path-to-your-output-log>/cronout.log 2>&1 &



    Then in this script file you can go with something like this;


    #!/usr/bin/env bash . <any-source-or-config-file-you-need-in-your-q-process>

    cd <to-your-q-script-folder> /home/<your-user>/q/l64/q <your-q-script>.q > <your-log-file-location>_$(date +’%Y.%m.%dT%H:%M:%S’).log 2>&1 &



    Notice the ampersand at the end; that ampersand will keep your process alive until you explicitly call exit in your q script.

    Hope this helps.