Forum Replies Created

  • subhashchander

    August 4, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Capestone Fundaments 3.3

    Hi  , I have altered the code to a single input function and getting the desired output as provided above but still i am not able to pass the exercise.

    classifyTrades:{[x] side:x`side;price:x`price;ask:x`ask;bid:x`bid; ?[side=`B;?[price<=ask;1b;0b];?[price>=bid;1b;0b]]}
    update exQuality:classifyTrades[tradeContext] from tradeContext

    badTrades:select from (update exQuality:classifyTrades[tradeContext] from tradeContext) where exQuality=0b



    even though i could get the desired output I cannot pass through