Forum Replies Created
Hi ,
We took a look at your instance and it was only a matter of reloading the database.
The values were overwritten when you manually ran the datacreation.q file.
It’s fixed now, good luck with the rest of the capstone!
Many thanks,
Hi ,
The q files under FP.Setup should never be ran manually. These run automatically when you first load the capstone.
By running this file again manually it affects the integrity of the data within the tables.
What I suggest is downloading any answers to questions you’ve already passed so that we can wipe your instance and you can start again.
Hope this helps,
Hi !
We actually have a dedicated team that specialises in helping with KDB.AI questions –
Hope this helps!
Hi !
In order to execute across a handle, you must either use symbol or string execution.
So instead of having:
hdbH .perm.users
Try using the string method:
hdbH ".perm.users"
Let me know if this works!
AdministratorDecember 4, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Advanced Capstone 3.2 and 3.6 tests failingHi ,
The issue is that you haven’t loaded the f1 database on port 5099, which might explain why when you run the tests for 3.6, which includes testing that fiauser can run the function getSummaryReport[], you are getting a the sensor error as sensor does not exist on port 5099.
If you load in the f1 database, the error should be resolved.
AdministratorDecember 4, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Advanced Capstone 3.2 and 3.6 tests failingHi ,
Can I ask you to send me your code for 3.1?
AdministratorDecember 4, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Advanced Capstone 3.2 and 3.6 tests failingHi ,
Can you send your code for these exercises using the spoiler tag?
AdministratorDecember 4, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Having issues with inability to run ‘trips’ in KX Sandbox from the Introductory Workshop?Hi ,
My suggestion is to close down/restart all the tabs needed for this workshop and re-launch the sandbox.
If you are still experiencing this error, try opening it in a private browser.
Let me know if this works.
Many thanks,
AdministratorNovember 28, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: How do I add column name as a string to content of dataHi ,
Can I just note that by converting your symbols to strings in col2, you are going to take up a lot more memory. If it isn’t essential they be stored in the table as strings, you could convert them while querying your data instead.
Of course this is only relevant if the table will be saved on disk and if you are interested in saving memory.
Hi ,
I see you have sorted your trade table in ascending order by time and option_id, but as you can see by the sample data, the trade table isn’t sorted at all.
However, if we look at the nbbo table, you can see it is sorted in ascending order by time.
By sorting tables that do not require it and then preceding to join these tables together is where you can experience an overall table with an incorrect format.
Hope this helps,
AdministratorNovember 21, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: merge/copy partitioned tables efficiencyHi ,
You appear to be upserting at a table level, you could try doing the upserts at a column level and peach it. something like:
{colData:get .Q.dd[`:kdbfolder_n/<date>/trade;x];upsert[.Q.dd[`:kdbcommon/<date>/trade/;x];colData]}peach except[cols trade;`date]
For this you need to have threads enabled in the command line:
-s N
Let me know if this works,
Hi ,
Here’s a link to Float Precision on our website
Hope this helps!
Hi ,
The reason you are getting this error is because it states in the question that the q process is restricted in that it only calls to it’s API’s (screenshot attached).
That’s why you can’t run commands such as ‘refServiceHandle “tables[]”‘.
Also – to retrieve data from a connection you must use the symbol reference.
Hope this helps,
Hi ,
I think one thing that could be helpful is using conditional evaluation Cond | Reference | kdb+ and q documentation – Kdb+ and q documentation (
So you’ve got:
extractBrokerId: {[exchangeMessage] parts: "-" vs exchangeMessage;
Which is correct.
If we take a look at our messages table we can see that if the exchange message begins with CME – the brokerId is going to be at the end.
If it begins with ISE – the brokerId is going to be in the middle.
So using the conditional, we can basically say if the exchange message is like “CME*” then use the last part else use the middle part.
Let me know if this helps,
Hi ,
Yes is correct you should use ‘exec’ instead of ‘select’ – however this is the syntax for the statement you need:
exec ... from select ... from ...
exec keyword | Reference | kdb+ and q documentation – Kdb+ and q documentation (
If you have any questions please let me know,