Joined Feb 2024 •
Active 9 months ago
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q){b:first x+1;b#x+1}[8;1] 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
select a:a ,b1:b[;0],b2:b[;1],b3:b[;2] from t
a b1 b2 b3 ---------- 1 4 5 6 2 6 12 23 3 12 36 14
I guess you mean:
(flip enlist[`a]!enlist[t `a]),'flip `b1`b2`b3!flip t `b a b1 b2 b3 ---------- 1 4 5 6 2 6 12 23 3 12 36 14
tData:([]y:10?100.0;x1:10?10.0;x2:10?20.0;x3:10?30.0;const:1.0) tData y x1 x2 x3 const ------------------------------------------- 8.226874 2.037285 8.538354 16.01854 1 51.32018 7.757617 15.40955 28.16125 1 49.47829 0.6938325 0.3188056 9.083402 1 86.65565 4.101914 7.146077 13.34548 1 64.14975 2.337549 0.5094767 13.24347 1 90.82711 7.125845 13.76178 21.80396 1 97.96094 1.392257 12.75511 29.98824 1 30.77491 2.701876 0.7691273 22.29986 1 36.52273 6.357182 17.94471 7.113864 1 95.91177 7.771303 15.87103 17.01243 1 rolling:{[w;t] (w-1)_({ 1_x,y }[w#delete from t;t])} fn:{[t;Y;X] yx:enlist t[Y] mmu flip t[`const,X]; xx:x mmu flip[x:t[`const,X]];yx lsq xx} fn[;`y;`x1`x2`x3] each rolling[5;tData] 49.22355 4.14351 -3.200252 -0.6170487 30.90215 9.65294 -4.097335 0.03631143 41.24432 -5.843066 0.4397651 1.026252 14.49142 -2.988273 -0.3123183 2.138712 6.81604 -5.333931 1.68819 1.800037 -18.19828 -2.163089 3.582677 1.640662
It returns rows of lists of betas with rolling window:5
Wrapped them into function:
tabData:([]y:10?100.0;x1:10?10.0;x2:10?20.0;x3:10?30.0;const:1.0); main:{[n;y;xs;tab] rolling:{[w;t] (w-1)_({ 1_x,y }[w#delete from t;t])}; fn:{[t;Y;X] yx:enlist t[Y] mmu flip t[`const,X]; xx:x mmu flip[x:t[`const,X]];yx lsq xx}; fn[;y;xs] each rolling[n;tab] } betas:main[5;`y;`x1`x2`x3;tabData]
for default installation, you should put the kc.lic file in your $HOME/q directory :
baichen@MacProM1:~/q$ ls
kc.lic m64/ q.k
To set value in a list, we can use @
@[3 mavg a;til n;:;0n]
0n 0n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -
MemberAugust 6, 2022 at 12:00 am in reply to: Key value pairs in dictionary, and how to retrieve them given one?you also can use where clause, which return all keys that have duplicates:
q)dic:`a`b`c`d!1 2 3 1 q)where dic=1 `a`d
? can be used in vector-based condition . For example:
`a`b`a$ is used in single condition :