Forum Replies Created
, Thank you so much for your help in solving this capstone ex2 problem which was linked another problem in ex1.4 that I didn’t know I had!
Thanks for the reply, you were right about using the assignment to update the table:
optRef : update expiry: $[“D”;expiry] from optRef
To make sure the change is applied to the table of the datatype for the expiry column to date. However I came across another problem (I think it might be the date format but not sure) : when I pass the ex2 test function ex2.1 fails, even though all the column have the correct datatypes.
My output:
option_id inst_id opt_type strike expiry
FB20200720C230 9 C 230 2020.07.20c | t f a
———| —–
option_id| s
inst_id | j
opt_type | s
strike | j
expiry | d* Expected schema for the `optRef` table:
|Column Name| Column Type
|———| —–
|option_id| symbol
|inst_id | long
|opt_type | symbol
|strike | long
|expiry | date -
Yes, You are right.
when I call the refServiceget handle for ex1.4 I get just the columns, so I have no observations.
How I created optRef table:
optRef: refServiceHandle(`getOptionRef,`uniqueOpts)
I assumed my optRef table was correct as it passed the ex1 function test, but now I think I may have called the refServiceHandle function incorrectly and the optRef table wrong (ex1.4) as there are 0 rows.