Forum Replies Created
Hi @laura
Thank you for your support.
I have done with final submit but have not received any mail from KX.
Hi @laura ,
Below are my code snippets. Please check it
for 3.3 - hdbH(set;`.perm.users;.perm.users)
for 3.4 - hdbH".z.pw:{(usr;pwd] $[.Q.sha1[pwd]~.perm.users[user][`password];1b;0b]} for 3.6 - hdbH".z.pg:{permission:.perm.users[.z.u;`api];test:.perm.parseQuery[x];$[permission~`all;value x;($[test~permission;value x;:`notAuthorized])]}"
Hi @laura
below code is for 3.2 exercise , please look into it
.perm.users:("s*s";enlist "\t") 0:`$":/home/jovyan/developer/workspace/_nouser_/adv_capstone/AdvancedCapstone.Data/users.txt" .perm.users[`password]:"x"$.perm.users[`password] .perm.users:`user xkey .perm.users meta .perm.users .perm.users : update .Q.sha1 each password from .perm.users meta .perm.users
Hi @Laura I was trying it again and got some test cases pass except 2.
I have attached the output of both console test cases and below code
get hsym
Hi @Laura
I am running the above line of code and after that the below one
get hsym `$getenv[`AX_WORKSPACE],"/f1"
and I am getting this as shown in attached image
Thank you @Laura for your help it is working now.
After created my lap table successfully I have saved it with the help of .Q.dpft.
and then I run below code snippet for exercise 1.5
but when I run test cases, some of them are failing. I have attached one photo of my console.
Thank you for your reply Laura,
for creating lap table it should have data for 2 jan 2020 and also sensorId.
do we need to create again one table for lap with the help of event and sensor table in which these two are present.
lap : select from event where date <> first date and session = “P3” giving error.
hi @laura
me and my team is waiting for their respective certification.
is there any kind of glitch. Please let me know.
Thank you
Hi @Laura
below in my code snippet,
event1 : select from event where date <> first date sensor1 : select from sensor where date <> first date .f1.createLapTable1:{[eventTab;sensorTab] distinctSensors: distinct select sensorId from sensorTab; crosspdt:(select from eventTab) cross distinctSensors; windows:(crosspdt[`time;crosspdt[`endTime]); p:wj[windows;`date`sensorId`time;select from crosspdt;(select from sensorTab;avg;`sensorValue))]; }
lap: .f1.createLapTable1[event1;sensor1] show lap
while running .Q.dpft I am getting mismatched type error