How do I make logging continue?
I am currently learning how to use bash script and q together, to route stdout and stderr
Here is my logging q file, called logger.q
.log.out: {-1 x};
.log.err: {-2 x};
.z.ts:{.log.out[(string[.z.P],” Outn”)];.log.err[(string[.z.P],” Errorn”)]}
t 5000
///////////////When I start the q process and by running the command:
nohup q logger.q > new.log 2>&1 &
It only seems to have logged once, rather than every 5 seconds?
Here is the log file, new.log:
nohup: ignoring input
2022.04.03D11:03:10.586403000 Out
2022.04.03D11:03:10.586550000 Error
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