How to make two referencing sub-projection works?
I have below code, which doesn’t work. h and g are 2 projections defined inside f, and they are referencing to each other.
Theorectically, the answer should be:
=h[8] + 20
=g[5] + 30 + 20
=h[3] + 20 + 30 + 20
=g[0] + 30 + 20 + 30 + 20
=h[-2] +20 + 30 + 20 + 30 + 20
= -2 + 120 = 118
f:{[xF] g:{[h;xG] $[xG < 0; xG; h[xG - 2] + 20]}[h]; // doesn't work, as h is not yet defined h:{[g;xH] $[xH < 0; xH; g[xH - 3] + 30]}[g]; g[xF] }; f[10];
How to make it works?
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