Strange ktn behaviour between gcc(64 bit) and clang(32 bit)
Hello, I have two different results between 64-bit GCC compiled code on RedHad7 and 32-bit Clang compiled code on RedHad6. The following code snippet has different behaviors.
K keys = ktn(KS, 10);
It is at the beginning of a function, so I did not paste other lines. When I debug with gdb, after execution of this line,
becomes a huge number on GCC(64bit), e.g., 720889, while it is 0 on Clang(32bit).
I read the documentation and other messages here and added the following code before the ktn call to ensure, but it did not make a difference.
khp(“”, -1);
Do you know why I am having so different results from a basic line of code? Can it be a 32bit/64bit related issue? If so, could you please point out some reference pages to me?
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