You cannot control the use of /tmp but you could possibly use a redirect to send the bulk of output to a different location.
In a basic form:
q)system"ls > /my/chosen/path/out.txt 2>&1;"
You could aim to make a more reusable function.
For familiarity you could use the TMPDIR environment variable:
q)setenv[`TMPDIR] "/my/chosen/path"
Then create a function to run system commands
f:first system"mktemp"; //Make a temp file respecting TMPDIR
c:c," > ",f," 2>&1;echo $?"; //Add redirect to tmp file and capture of exit code
e:"J"$first system c; //Execute the command
f:hsym `$f;
r:read0 f; //Read the result of the command
hdel f; //Delete the tmp file
$[not 0=e; //Check if the exit code was an error (not 0)
[-1 last r;'`os]; //If an error print the last line and signal with 'os
r] //If success return the data
On success:
On failure:
sh: 1: blah: not found
[0] systemTMPDIR"blah"
*Note: This is just a small example and likely will not behave the exact same as the native ‘system’ in all cases.