What is the purpose of publishing value each t to t in .u.pub?
if[system“t”; .z.ts:{pub‘[t;value each t];@[`.;t;@[;`sym;`g#]0#];i::j;ts .z.D}; upd:{[t;x] if[not -16=type first first x;if[d<“d”$a:.z.P;.z.ts[]];a:“n”$a;x:$[0>type first x;a,x;(enlist(count first x)#a),x]]; t insert x;if[l;l enlist (`upd;t;x);j+:1];}]; What do we use .z.ts to publish “value each t” to the “t” itself, I thought we just added updates to the table, not the whole table itself?
Why is this?
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