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Home Forums kdb+ Licence manager issues with qjupyter

  • Licence manager issues with qjupyter

    Posted by usr19031906 on November 22, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I am trying to start qJupyter on one of our servers.
    I am not an expert in docker. I know just enough to get by.

    I am starting the docker image with the following line:

    sudo docker run --rm -it -h=`hostname` --mount type=bind,source=${QHOME}/k4.lic,target=/opt/kx/q/k4.lic -e QLIC='/opt/kx/q/' -p 8888:8888 kxsys/jupyterq

    Everything looks fine and I can access the jupyter notebook through the browser

    The python kernel works fine. I also see errors in my terminal

    Does anyone know why I keep getting the k4.lic error?



    usr19031906 replied 9 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Laura

    November 27, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Hi  ,

    I’m not very familiar with qJupyter as it is an external resource, but I would maybe suggest testing your k4.lic by ensuring q runs from your terminal.

    If that’s not working, you might need to grab a new license from kdb License Free Trial Options | KX

    I’ll leave this topic open and maybe some others in our community will have experience with qJupyter.



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