Tableau incremental refresh not working as expected on kdb, through kdb odbc driver.
Hi Team,
I need your help.
Incremental refresh query:
q('.function.[`commTrades2;`startTime`endTime!(2023.06.01;.z.d-1)]')n) Custom_SQL_QuerynWHERE (Custom_SQL_Query.date > {d '2023-08-14'})","query-category":"Extract","query-hash":368329134},"ctx":{"wb":"gwGetCommodities"}}
I could see where clause in logs for incremental refresh but strangely what’s happening on kdb is its running fully query, as you could see above, from 2023.06.01 to till date and then after fetching entire query data its applying where clause on date column (nWHERE (Custom_SQL_Query.date > {d ‘2023-08-14’})”,”). Ideally incremental refresh should only query max of date directly but its not happening. Please may you advise.
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