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Home Forums KX Solutions DS_TERMINATE_PRCL Template


    Posted by leades on January 20, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Hello Community,

    We have a simple method in Kx Control to schedule starts for processes. But below, is a demonstration of how to use the DS_TERMINATE_PRCL template to schedule a process shutdown.

    1. Search DS_TERMINATE_PRCL in Control

    2. First, let’s create the list of processes to shut down. Duplicate the DS_TERMINATE_PRCL_NAME:DEFAULT config

    3. Name it, select the package that contains the processes then click ‘Add’

    4. Go to ‘Attribute Values’ and add the processes

    For example, if I intended to shutdown emea_gw and emea_qr

    5. Save this config and return back to the DS_TERMINATE_PRCL search

    6. Right click the template, and select ‘New Process Instance’

    7. Name it, select the relevant package then click ‘Add’

    8. In ‘Instance Params’, select the value as the config we created earlier and save it

    9. Search for your created instance, right click and select ‘New Task’

    10. Name the task, and click ‘Add’. The other fields will be populated correctly (workflow isn’t necessary)

    11. Enable ‘Schedule Task’ and fill in the details to schedule the shutdown how you desire

    Once this task is saved, your scheduled shutdowns will be fully set up. Feel free to provide feedback and questions below.

    Many Thanks



    leades replied 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • leahs

    March 19, 2024 at 11:01 am

    Super content Luke!

    Thanks for sharing in so much detail

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