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  • mario

    March 20, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    I got error exec /kdb/q: exec format error

    my path /Users/mario/kdb

    FROM debian:latest AS base

    # do not clean here, its cleaned later!

    RUN apt-get update \

    && apt-get -yy --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io upgrade

    # Set env variables for q

    ENV QHOME /kdb


    # This should point to the license file location

    ENV QLIC /kdb

    # Refresh / Update the base image using alpine's package manager "apk", and binutils to allow use of e.g. tar/ar while building

    RUN apt-get -yy --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io --no-install-recommends install \

    ca-certificates \

    curl \

    rlwrap \

    runit \

    unzip \

    && apt-get clean \

    && find /var/lib/apt/lists -type f -delete

    COPY . /kdb

    WORKDIR /kdb

    CMD ["q", "load.q", "-p","5000"]