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Home Forums KX Solutions Validation on delete in Editable List component Reply To: Validation on delete in Editable List component

  • jlucid

    October 30, 2024 at 3:03 pm

    Looking at the arguments to your function, it looks like you are trying to run an update command in a KxDashboards Data Grid component, is that correct?

    First of all, to throw an error you can use signal (‘), that what works for me. if[notValidUser;’ErrorMessage];

    This should generate a small popup on screen when the user presses submit. Here’s the thing though, the full text “ErrorMessage” may not appear on screen, depending on whether the bug I mentioned below was fixed or not.

    I had a similar issue as you in the past, where the error message was being returned but only the first character of the error messages was being displayed (“E” in this case), see link below for issue and fix. I never got a response on this query so I dont know if it was fixed properly in Kx Dashboards.
