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Home Forums KX Solutions Irregular Behaviour using EmbedR Re: Irregular Behaviour using EmbedR

  • emclaughlin1

    June 3, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Further detail:

    Question : Could you please confirm if you extract the first row and run meta on the extracted table in KDB, then do the same for each of the other 4 rows, do those metas match. Similar to below
    (meta[Rget”persDat[c(1),]”]) ~ meta Rget”persDat[c(2),]”


    I’ve tried to check the output when pulling out persDat row by row, as you suggest, but I get met with an error if I try and get a single row:


    Just to confirm, if I try and pull out the whole table at this point, then I do indeed get the full table back: