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Home Forums kdb+ select with combinational conditions Re: select with combinational conditions

  • rocuinneagain

    May 29, 2023 at 12:00 am

    If you went directly in to writing what you ask:


    q)t:flip `date`data!(2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.19 2023.05.19 2023.05.19;`a`c`b`b`b`c) 
    q)select from t where any (and[date=2023.05.20;data in `a`b];and[date=2023.05.19;data in enlist `b])
    date data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    q)parse "select from t where any (and[date=2023.05.20;data in `a`b];and[date=2023.05.19;data in enlist `b])" 
    q)?[`t;enlist(any;(enlist;(and;(=;`date;2023.05.20);(in;`data;enlist `a`b));(and;(=;`date;2023.05.19);(in;`data;(enlist;enlist`b)))));0b;()] 
    date data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    q)f:((2023.05.20;`a`b);(2023.05.19;enlist `b);(2023.05.18;`c`d`a);(2023.05.17;`d`a)) 
    q)?[`t;(enlist(any;enlist,{(and;(=;`date;x 0);(in;`data;enlist x 1))}each f));0b;()] 
    date data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b


    Much better if the data is on disk and partitioned by date would be to iterate over each date and not each filter:


    q)f:flip `date`syms!flip f 
    date syms 
    2023.05.20 `a`b 
    2023.05.19 ,`b 
    2023.05.18 `c`d`a 
    2023.05.17 `d`a 
    q)raze {select from t where date=x`date,data in x`data} peach 0!select distinct raze data by date from f 
    date data 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b