C++ convert large decimal to KDB
Posted by ekallivrousis on October 4, 2021 at 12:00 amI need help to find out if there is compatible function in c++ class used to connect to db that would convert the large(24) decimal place to datatype compatible to kdbekallivrousis replied 10 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
Hi @ekallivrousis,
You could use the Double / Float type as per the C API Reference
Thanks for posting your query on the forums!
Kind regards,
Hi David,
To elaborate on @ekallivrousis comment, we are trying to use 128-bit floating point data type (instead of 64-bit(8 byte double) ) to support 24 decimal places instead of 16 decimals supported by double. Currently, as per C API Reference KDB+ supports 4byte(float) and 8byte(double). Is there were way to store 128-bit floating point values ? -
You can see an example of mapping a decimal to either a list of bytes or scaling to a double in this interface.
Hey rocuinneagain,
Correct me if im wrong but this is to do math in C correct? I want to do math operations in the KDB database. The c program will be just putting the data into DB
These are examples of using the C interface to extend the Kdb+ database.
Documentation is here:
It shows an example of writing a new ‘add’ function in C:
#include"k.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif K add(K x,K y) { if(x->t!=-KJ||y->t!=-KJ) return krr("type"); return kj(x->j+y->j); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif
Then this can be used from inside a Kdb+ process:
q)add:(`add 2:(`add;2)) q)add[3;4] 7
This is a possible method to add math functions for 128-bit floating point numbers inside Kdb+.
Thank you for the above this is a big step in right direction for us.
if we store large decimal will precision be lost when storing in kdb and querying to display on ui via java
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