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  • Capstone 2.3

    Posted by bldulam1 on April 24, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I am having trouble with Exercise 2.3 in the capstone project. I tried making both trade_id and exch_message as strings, but my solution is still incorrect.


    here is the meta messages:

    c | t f a

    ————| —–
    trade_id | C
    exch_message| C
    broker_id | j


    This is my solution:
    messages: update trade_id: string trade_id, exch_message, broker_id: extractBrokerId each exch_message from messages

    extractBrokerId: {[exchMsg]
    temp: “-” vs exchMsg;
    msg: temp[0];
    res: temp[2];
    if[msg~”ISE”; res:temp[1]];


    bldulam1 replied 9 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Laura

    April 25, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Hi  – you are very close! I had a go running your solution and see a different meta than what you have shared.


    It’s the first column trade_id where the issue is – you should not need to add string in front of it.


    messages: update trade_id: trade_id, exch_message, broker_id: extractBrokerId each exch_message from messages


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