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Home Forums kdb+ each-both creating a projection

  • each-both creating a projection

    Posted by kdb_newbie on July 17, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Hi Community,
    If I have a function takes 3 inputs where I want to set the 3rd argument to be `field and I want to iterate over 2 lists using each-both, but the below creates a projection:

    {.my.func[x;y;`field]} ' [value exec col1, col2 from tab1]

    Would you help understand why please? Thank you!

    kdb_newbie replied 11 months, 1 week ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • davidcrossey

    July 18, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Your usage of square brackets has created the projection on the right-hand side, which is expecting an x argument:

    q).my.func:{[x;y;z] (x;y;z)} q)tab col1 col2 ——— a 1 b 2 c 3 / projection q){.my.func[x;y;`field]}'[flip value exec col1,col2 from tab] {.my.func[x;y;`field]}'[((`a;1);(`b;2);(`c;3))] q)type {.my.func[x;y;`field]}'[flip value exec col1,col2 from tab] 104h / right-hand side projection; note .’ as type (‘[x]) will return 106 q)type .'[flip value exec col1,col2 from tab] 104h / using apply-each without square brackets q)type {.my.func[x;y;`field]}.’flip value exec col1,col2 from tab 0h q){.my.func[x;y;`field]}.’flip value exec col1,col2 from tab `a 1 `field `b 2 `field `c 3 `field

    Note the usage of apply-each .’

    Here is a simplier example of your projection syntax:

    / missing x arg q)@'[1 2] @'[1 2] q)type @'[1 2] 104h / providing x arg q)@'[10+;1 2] 11 12 q)type @'[10+;1 2] 7h

    Hope this helps


  • cillianreilly

    July 18, 2023 at 12:00 am

    The exec statement creates a list of lists – enclosing these in square brackets means kdb+ treats this as a singular item passed to your function.  In order to treat the list as the first and second arguments respectively, you need apply:

    q)tab:([]col1:`a`b`c;col2:1 2 3) q).my.func:{0N!(x;y;z);} q){.my.func[x;y;`field]}./:flip value exec col1,col2 from tab; (`a;1;`field) (`b;2;`field) (`c;3;`field)


    In this case though, you can keep the entire operation contained in the qsql statement. kdb+ will extend the atomic symbol to match the length of the table columns:

    q)exec .my.func'[col1;col2;`field]from tab; (`a;1;`field) (`b;2;`field) (`c;3;`field)



  • kdb_newbie

    July 18, 2023 at 12:00 am

    thank you so much for all the help! super clear explanation!

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