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Home Forums KX Academy Fundementals Capstone 3.1

  • Fundementals Capstone 3.1

    Posted by kdbnovice on December 12, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Hi I am having issues with exersize 3.1 in regards to the layout of the trade table.

    In the exercise a date column is defined for the trade table which for some reason isn’t present in my setup. The way I created the tables was to access the FP.setup file and run the file datacreation.q this gave an error message “Error executing artifact:sym”.  I was wondering if it is something wrong with my hardware or an issue in regards to the way I ran this file?

    Thanks in advance.


    kdbnovice replied 1 year ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • megan_mcp

    December 13, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Hi ,

    We took a look at your instance and it was only a matter of reloading the database.

    The values were overwritten when you manually ran the datacreation.q file.

    It’s fixed now, good luck with the rest of the capstone!

    Many thanks,


  • megan_mcp

    December 13, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Hi ,

    The q files under FP.Setup should never be ran manually. These run automatically when you first load the capstone.

    By running this file again manually it affects the integrity of the data within the tables.

    What I suggest is downloading any answers to questions you’ve already passed so that we can wipe your instance and you can start again.

    Hope this helps,



  • kdbnovice

    December 13, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Thanks Meagan. I did it the way you mentioned and got the correct format using the count function(E1.2 ) I got 2000 entries to the table, which I assume was related to the different dates.


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