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Home Forums KX Academy getOptionRef API is giving empty results

  • getOptionRef API is giving empty results

    Posted by JuanpeGarcia11 on August 12, 2024 at 6:32 pm

    Hello, I’m stuck at 1.5 of the Fundamentals Capstone project.
    I’m writing a query to the getOptionRef API
    uniqueOpts:$string distinct tradeoption_id to get a list of symbols as indicated.
    However I’m getting an empty response:

    option_id inst_id opt_type strike expiry

    However, when I do this query with integers to the other integral I’m getting kind of result.
    uniqueOpts2: distinct trade option_id


    inst_id inst_syb inst_name
    1 AAPL “Apple”
    2 MSFT “Microsoft”

    How should I proceed in order to get some response on the getOption API?
    Best regards,
    Juan Pedro García

    mwoods replied 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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