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How to setup KX Developer IDE workspace with specific Q and C/C++ integration
Posted by kovacsi on December 16, 2021 at 12:00 amHi kx experts
I started working with Kdb+ but I never configured/setup a project on KX Developer IDE workspace.
I created a workspace named ori, but there is nothing there on the console?
how can one start a project from scratch integrating C/C++ and Q programs?
started with ArrowKdb+ library, took me 2.5 days to build it for VC++ 14 2015 x64
how it should be used in a project under the workspace?
kovacsi replied 11 months ago 3 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
I advanced and has partial advance I made with my own question:
I installed vcpkg arrow on the following folder
my kdb+ bin folder is C:workKXdbkdbw64 my vcpkg folder is C:workKXdbvcpkginstallvcpkginstalledx64-windowsbin in order that arrowkdb.dll library can load copy all the dlls to kdbw64 arrow.dll boost_atomic-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_chrono-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_container-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_date_time-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_filesystem-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_locale-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_math_c99-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_math_c99f-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_math_c99l-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_math_tr1-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_math_tr1f-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_math_tr1l-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_random-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_regex-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_system-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll boost_thread-vc141-mt-x64-1_77.dll brotlicommon.dll brotlidec.dll brotlienc.dll bz2.dll c_rehash.pl event.dll event_core.dll event_extra.dll gflags.dll glog.dll libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll libssl-1_1-x64.dll lz4.dll parquet.dll re2.dll snappy.dll utf8proc.dll zlib1.dll zstd.dll
now launch q (kdb+ console from C:workKXdbkdbw64>)
C:workKXdbkdbw64>q -p 9090 KDB+ 4.0 2021.07.12 Copyright (C) 1993-2021 Kx Systems w64/ 16(16)core 16160MB ori kovacsi katz desktop-5s9po4j EXPIRE 2022.12.02 okatz@makor-capital.com KOD #5006731 q)cd .. q)))l ./arrowkdb.q q))).arrowkdb.dt.na[] 1i q))).arrowkdb.dt.printDatatype[.arrowkdb.dt.na[]] null q)))
now it works .
Yet I try to load it on KX developer to visually see the tables contents
how to set up visual workspace for this setup???
Thank you for reverting with your progress update, Ori! Very helpful for fellow community members.
We’re working on feedback for your remaining question and we will share it as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Hi Ori,
Thanks again for your questions, we love to see people updating us that they have worked some steps out for themselves!
For using KX Developer in general, I wonder have you seen the Developer Walkthrough documentation?
There is also a section on Visualizing Data which I think you’ll find really useful!
For further learning, there is a short ~20minute course on KX Academy called Introduction to Developer which could also be a great tool for you going forward.
Hope this helps!
Thanks Laura
I search for an answer without a repository. Is there a project without any repository option?
I need the developer only on my local computer and don’t want to waste time on git handling…
Hi Ori,
You don’t need to check out a repository in order to start working with Developer.
Have you installed Developer locally on your machine?
If so, when you first open the browser UI , you will be greeted with a pop up called “Developer Workspace Browser” – you can create a new workspace here and then use the scratch pad to create the data/functions or access the data from your local machine (You can use Tools > Table Importer to do this)
Then you are free to use everything else under Tools, such as the visual inspector to visualize your data.
Hope this helps!
Hi Laura
Thanks but it did not help me.
I have an excel file xslx with data (multiple tables) I couldn’t upload it to my workspace.
what is the fastest way to get it done?
Hi Ori,
Sorry to hear this.
The table importer supports data in csv format, but only accepts one table at a time as it would not be able to differentiate between multiple tables in one xslx file.
My suggestion would be to save each as individual csv files, and load one at a time so that you can ensure each table is of the correct format and types.
I would highly recommend the Introduction to Developer course on KX Academy (if you have not already seen it) for step-by-step guidance through the table importer functionality.
Let us know how you get on, and if you have any more questions.
Hi Laura
I modified the table to csv format, yet I get very strange results when uploading.
(In private…. I can’t share the data)
can you ask one of your support team to contact me? I need support to understand
how to do it.
Hi Ori,
Of course, our support team can help if you reach out through our support channels here: Support for KX products – Product documentation
Otherwise, if you can post the error message here without revealing your data, I’d be happy to continue de-bugging with you.
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