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Home Forums kdb+ How to walkthrough a tree and calculate value on path?

  • How to walkthrough a tree and calculate value on path?

    Posted by james1 on April 15, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Hi there,



    How to get output as in this chart?

    Thank you.



    james1 replied 1 year ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • gyorokpeter-kx

    April 17, 2023 at 12:00 am

    This gets it done while remaining somewhat readable:

    child:select (child,'data) by parent from tree; 
    while[count a; res,:select from a where not end in key child; b:ungroup update nxt:child end from (delete from a where not end in key child); a:select start, end:nxt[;0], val*nxt[;1] from b; ];

    The answer is given by

    q)`start`end xasc res 
    start end val 
    A     C   2 
    A     D   3 
    A     F   5 
    A     G   24 
    A     H   28 
    B     F   5 
    B     G   24 
    B     H   28 
    E     G   6 
    E     H   7
  • sujoy

    April 17, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Try to traverse through Dictionary

    traverse_dict:exec child!parent from tree; 
    calc:`A`D`C`B`F`E`G`H!1 3 2 1 5 4 6 7; 
    traverse_func:{[st;end;dict;calc] prd calc except[(dict) end;(dict) st] }[;;traverse_dict;calc]; 
    outputTree:([] parent:`A`A`A`A`A`B`B`B`E`E;child:`C`D`F`G`H`F`G`H`G`H); // output update 
    val:traverse_func'[parent;child] from outputTree


  • cillianreilly

    April 18, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Another method:

    tree:([]parent:`A`A`A`B`B`E`E;child:`B`C`D`E`F`G`H;data:1 2 3 4 5 6 7); 
    s:{x iasc 2#/:x} // sort 
    lr:{flip dl(x)y} // leaf to root 
    lar:{(sum[n]-2)dlx where n:not null x} // leaf to all roots 
    gw:{((last;first)@:y),prd x dl flip 1 nexty} // get weights 
    walk:{ d:exec child!parent from x; w:exec(child,'parent)!data from x; s gw[w;]each raze lar each lr[d;](except/)x`child`parent } walk tree `A `C 2 `A `D 3 `A `F 5 `A `G 24 `A `H 28 `B `F 5 `B `G 24 `B `H 28 `E `G 6 `E `H 7
  • Laura

    April 18, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Really like this solution, haven’t seen a scan indexing before. Just wanted to add to it so the user doesn’t have to define calc and outputTree:

    traverse_dict:exec child!parent from tree; root:`A; // value pairing appending root node with 1 factor 
    calc:(root, exec child from tree)!1,exec data from tree; // calc:`A`D`C`B`F`E`G`H!1 3 2 1 5 4 6 7; 
    traverse_func:{[st;end;dict;calc] prd calc except[(dict) end;(dict) st] }[;;traverse_dict;calc]; 
    outputTree:exec child by parent from tree; 
    outputTree:key[outputTree]!raze each (value outputTree),' outputTree value outputTree; 
    outputTree:(key outputTree)!except[;key outputTree]each distinct each (raze/) each (outputTree)each value outputTree; 
    p:raze (count each value outputTree)#'key[outputTree]; 
    c:raze value outputTree; 
    outputTree:([] parent:p;child:c); // outputTree:([] parent:`A`A`A`A`A`B`B`B`E`E;child:`C`D`F`G`H`F`G`H`G`H); // output update 
    val:traverse_func'[parent;child] from outputTree

    There’s probably a more concise way to do the above so keen to see any further improvements.

  • creid

    April 18, 2023 at 12:00 am

    This is my solution

    tree:([]parent:`A`A`A`B`B`E`E;child:`B`C`D`E`F`G`H;data:1 2 3 4 5 6 7); 
    getVal:{?[`tree;((=;`parent;enlist x);(=;`child;enlist y));();`data]} 
    checkParent:{first ?[`tree;enlist (=;`child;enlist x);();`parent]} 
    getPathVal:{[x;y] $[x~checkParent[y];getVal[x;y];getVal[checkParent[y];y]*.z.s[x;checkParent[y]]]}


  • cillianreilly

    April 19, 2023 at 12:00 am

    It’s faster to keep track of the running products at each step:

    tree:([]parent:`A`A`A`B`B`E`E;child:`B`C`D`E`F`G`H;data:1 2 3 4 5 6 7); 
    sort:{x iasc 2#/:x:x@'(-1+count each x),:1 0} 
    step:{.[z;(::;0);*;]y -2#/:z:(z,'x l)where(l:last each z)in key x} 
    walk2:{ d:exec child!parent from x; w:exec(child,'parent)!data from x; sort raze 1_(step[d;w;])1,'(except/)x`child`parent } walk2 tree `A `C 2 `A `D 3 `A `F 5 `A `G 24 `A `H 28 `B `F 5 `B `G 24 `B `H 28 `E `G 6 `E `H 7 
    q)\ts do[50000;walk tree] 
    1930 3584j 
    q)\ts do[50000;walk2 tree] 
    1259 3440j

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