Home › Forums › KX Solutions › KX Dashboard – Data Grid – Actions – Is it possible to call Java script code with selected value?
KX Dashboard – Data Grid – Actions – Is it possible to call Java script code with selected value?
Posted by RVR on November 16, 2021 at 12:00 amWhen I double click / click on a data grid I am able to trigger open URL. Is it possible to call Java script code with selected value from the data grid?
I am trying to pass the selected value from the data grid to an external application.
RVR replied 11 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply -
1 Reply
Hello RV,
Reverting with feedback for you.
Please find attached the JPG File with a demo on how to do this.
In your data grid:
1. Add an action
2. Set the action type to “Run Query”
3. Set the Datasource property, set the query editor, set the type to “Virtual” and set the 1st parameter as a viewstate.
And here is the javascript.xml
<ui><name>027f3462-2f80-1cab-d100-940a140170a9</name><displayname>run javascript</displayname><description>{ “creationDate”: “Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:28:40 GMT”,“lastUpdateDate”: “Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:43:11 GMT”, “tags”: []}</description><data>{ “id”: “027f3462-2f80-1cab-d100-940a140170a9”, “name”:“run javascript”, “creationDate”: “Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:28:40 GMT”,“lastUpdateDate”: “Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:43:11 GMT”, “thumb”: null,“screenDetails”: [ { “label”: “Screen 1”, “value”:“c6f806d4-7510-0675-d8cf-c29aa2545da2” } ], “screens”: [ { “id”:“c6f806d4-7510-0675-d8cf-c29aa2545da2”, “name”: “Screen 1”, “thumb”:null, “widgets”: [ { “id”: “c027a14d-3a3c-a89c-9d17-5edeb9d45ef5”,“layout”: { “row”: 0, “column”: 0, “rowSpan”: 21, “colSpan”: 19 },“component”: { “id”: “55bf3782-28a5-65ee-c3f5-dca3a5fbdd18”, “key”:“Datagrid”, “options”: { “version”: “4.7.0”, “datagridPossibleColumns”:[ “id”, “col1”, “col2” ], “datagridPossibleColumnsWithItself”: [“<this>”, “id”, “col1”, “col2” ], 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Kind regards,
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