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Home Forums KX Solutions KX Dashboards 2.2.2 is Now Released

  • KX Dashboards 2.2.2 is Now Released

    Posted by megan_mcp on August 9, 2024 at 11:39 am


    Live Rolling Viewstates:

    Added a new feature to enable live rolling viewstates that can automatically update a viewstate without requiring manual refresh or query mapper

    X-Axis Grouping in ChartGL:

    Added multi x-axis grouping to group related data series on separate axes for better contextual analysis (with customize appearance and behavior of each axis, including labels, ticks)

    Media Layer Ordering in Maps:

    Added media layer reordering to easily adjust the stacking order of different media layers on maps for better visualization.

    Datagrid – Global Palettes and Advanced Column Filtering:

    Added a global colour palettes to Datagrid highlight rules and the ability to define two way binding for advanced column filtering

    Download from:

    megan_mcp replied 1 month, 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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