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Home Forums kdb+ KX Developer Visual Inspector Multiple X points

  • KX Developer Visual Inspector Multiple X points

    Posted by ekallivrousis on October 5, 2021 at 12:00 am


    I cant seem to figure out if this is possible but i want to compare 2 different price columns at a time over certain period. Is this possible on the visual inspector?

    My table looks like this:

    time       price pricev2 
    00:00:00.002 6.33 6.32 
    00:00:01.001 4.05 4.05 
    00:00:26.808 4.05 5.07 
    00:00:27.002 5.12 5.12 
    00:00:28.002 2.61 2.61 
    00:00:29.002 4.61 4.47 
    00:00:30.001 4.9 4.47 
    00:00:31.000 4.64 4.77 
    00:00:32.000 2.37 4.87 
    00:00:33.000 3.75 2.7


    I want a line for each price to show how off the prices are at a certain time

    ekallivrousis replied 10 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • rocuinneagain

    October 5, 2021 at 12:00 am

    In the visual inspector you can enter qsql queries.


    Here are some example which may help. Firstly I recreated your table:


    table:flip `time`price`pricev2!( (00:00:00.002 00:00:01.001 00:00:26.808 00:00:27.002 00:00:28.002 00:00:29.002 00:00:30.001 00:00:31 00:00:32 00:00:33); (6.33 4.05 4.05 5.12 2.61 4.61 4.9 4.64 2.37 3.75); (6.32 4.05 5.07 5.12 2.61 4.47 4.47 4.77 4.87 2.7));


    Uses flip to create a table from a dictionary.


    You can compare the columns using subtract:


    update priceDiff:price-pricev2 from table 
    time        price pricev2 priceDiff 
    00:00:00.002 6.33 6.32    0.01 
    00:00:01.001 4.05 4.05    0 
    00:00:26.808 4.05 5.07    -1.02 
    00:00:27.002 5.12 5.12    0 
    00:00:28.002 2.61 2.61    0 
    00:00:29.002 4.61 4.47    0.14 
    00:00:30.001 4.9  4.47    0.43 
    00:00:31.000 4.64 4.77    -0.13 
    00:00:32.000 2.37 4.87    -2.5 
    00:00:33.000 3.75 2.7     1.05



    You can use within to query within a time window:


    select from table where time within 00:00:01 00:00:30 
    time       price pricev2 
    00:00:01.001 4.05 4.05 
    00:00:26.808 4.05 5.07 
    00:00:27.002 5.12 5.12 
    00:00:28.002 2.61 2.61 
    00:00:29.002 4.61 4.47



    Then you can combine the 2 statements in to one:


    update priceDiff:price-pricev2 from select from table where time within 00:00:01 00:00:30 
    time      price pricev2 priceDiff 
    00:00:01.001 4.05 4.05  0 
    00:00:26.808 4.05 5.07  -1.02 
    00:00:27.002 5.12 5.12  0 
    00:00:28.002 2.61 2.61  0 
    00:00:29.002 4.61 4.47  0.14



    This page has lots more examples: qsql

    Hopefully this helps you.

  • rocuinneagain

    October 6, 2021 at 12:00 am

    One option would be to unpivot the table using a helper function


    /tab : the table to operate on 
    /baseCols : the columns not to unpivot 
    /pivotCols : the columns which you wish to unpivot 
    /kCol : the key name for unpivoted data 
    /vCol : the value name for unpivoted data 
        newCols:{[k;v;t;p] flip (k;v)!(count[t]#p;t p)}[kCol;vCol;tab] each pivotCols; 
        baseCols xasc raze {[b;n] b,'n}[base] each newCols } 
    unpivot[;`time;`price`pricev2;`priceType;`price] table 
    time       priceType price 
    00:00:00.002 price   6.33 
    00:00:00.002 pricev2 6.32 
    00:00:01.001 price   4.05 
    00:00:01.001 pricev2 4.05 
    00:00:26.808 price   4.05 
    00:00:26.808 pricev2 5.07 
    00:00:27.002 price   5.12 
    00:00:27.002 pricev2 5.12 
    00:00:28.002 price   2.61 
    00:00:28.002 pricev2 2.61 
    00:00:29.002 price   4.61 
    00:00:29.002 pricev2 4.47 
    00:00:30.001 price   4.9 
    00:00:30.001 pricev2 4.47 
    00:00:31.000 price   4.64 
    00:00:31.000 pricev2 4.77 
    00:00:32.000 price   2.37 
    00:00:32.000 pricev2 4.87 
    00:00:33.000 price   3.75 
    00:00:33.000 pricev2 2.7




    Then you can set the options to graph the lines



  • ekallivrousis

    October 6, 2021 at 12:00 am

    Hey rocuinneagain,

    Thank you for this but unfortunately this isnt what i was looking for. I want to use KX Developer visual inspector to view a line graph with both price and pricev2 as separate lines against time.

  • ekallivrousis

    October 6, 2021 at 12:00 am

    Thanks so much, this is exactly what i was looking for

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