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Home Forums kdb+ license error: k4.lic personal edition

  • license error: k4.lic personal edition

    Posted by MarynEC2 on August 10, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    I’ve downloaded m64 version on Mac:

    I have kc.lic file in m64 folder, the same with q.k :

    (base) MacBook-Air-2:m64 xaffhfss$ ./q

    KDB+ 4.1 2024.07.08 Copyright (C) 1993-2024 Kx Systems

    m64/ 4()core 8192MB jffhfss macbook-air-2.local

    ‘license error: k4.lic

    (base) MacBook-Air-2:m64 xaffhfss$ ls


    (base) MacBook-Air-2:m64 xaffhfss$ cdc .

    -bash: cdc: command not found

    (base) MacBook-Air-2:m64 xaffhfss$ cd ..

    (base) MacBook-Air-2:m64 xaffhfss$ ls

    kc.lic m64 q.k

    (base) MacBook-Air-2:m64 xaffhfss$

    MarynEC2 replied 1 month ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • pgyorok

    August 12, 2024 at 9:18 am

    Do you have the QHOME environment variable set to the directory with the license file?

  • rocuinneagain

    August 12, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Install instructions: https://code.kx.com/q/learn/install/

    Licencing specifics: https://code.kx.com/q/learn/licensing/

    Your folder structure should look similar to:

    $ tree ~/q
    ├── m64
    │ └── q
    ├── kc.lic
    └── q.k

    And you’d set:

    export QHOME="/home/user/q"
  • MarynEC2

    August 16, 2024 at 5:53 am

    Thanks that worked.

    But in my command it was actually export QHOME=”/Users/<username>/q”

    echo “$QHOME”


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