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Home Forums PyKX LicenseException: A valid q license must be in a known location (e.g. `$QLIC`) to run q code via ‘pykx.q’.

  • LicenseException: A valid q license must be in a known location (e.g. `$QLIC`) to run q code via ‘pykx.q’.

    Posted by amod on August 8, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I am trying to run q commands through a jupyter notebook. However, I am running into the exception, whenever I am using pykx.q. 

    LicenseException: A valid q license must be in a known location (e.g. `$QLIC`) to run q code via 'pykx.q'. 

     Even while importing, I am encountering the issue

    <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:241: PyKXWarning: Failed to initialize PyKX fully licensed functionality. To access all functionality of PyKX please download an evaluation license from https://kx.com/kdb-insights-personal-edition-license-download/ Full installation instructions can be found at https://code.kx.com/pykx/getting-started/installing.html Falling back to unlicensed mode, which has limited functionality. Refer to https://code.kx.com/pykx/user-guide/advanced/modes.html for more information on licensed vs unlicensed modalities.  Captured output from initialization attempt:     '2023.08.08T18:49:30.065 licence error: embedq


    I am able to use q through CLI normally. The license file is there. But somehow the exception pops up whenever I am trying to run q commands through pykx.q. I have made sure that QHOME and QLIC are pointing to the folder containing kc.lic file. 

    Any help or guidance to fix this issue will be great.


    amod replied 11 months ago 3 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • amod

    August 9, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I checked for the flags but I got an empty string for the command. I also ran python -c “import pykx;pykx.util.debug_environment()”, based on one of previous answer. There also I got an empty string where flags are expected. However, I think the license is not an older version as I got it just a few days back.

  • rocuinneagain

    August 9, 2023 at 12:00 am

    You license will need the flags insights.lib.embedq and insights.lib.pykxto run pykx.q You can check your license flags in q using: q).z.l 4 “insights.lib.embedq insights.lib.pykx insights.lib.sql insights.lib.qlog ins.. If you have an older trial license you simply need to request a new one at: https://kx.com/kdb-personal-edition-download/ https://kx.com/kdb-insights-personal-edition-license-download/ Then replace the old with new on your machine. New licenses come with all the flags enabled. If it is a commercial license then your designated contact can reach out to licadmin@kx.com to have a new license issued: https://code.kx.com/q/learn/licensing/#commercial

  • rocuinneagain

    August 9, 2023 at 12:00 am

    As well as a licence expiry date each kdb+ licence also has a maintenance update date. licence expiry: You cannot use kdb+ after this date gives exp error maintenance update expiry: You cannot use versions of kdb+ newer than this date. Gives upd error https://code.kx.com/q/basics/errors/#:~:text=format%20not%20recognized-,upd,-Function%20upd%20is .e.g if you have a maintenance expiry date of 2021.12.31 but a licence expiry of 2022.06.01 this means you can use kdb+ up to 2022.06.01 as long as the version of kdb+ was released before 2021.12.31 The dates of your licence are included in the email you got from licadmin@kx.com As of 1.6.0 PyKX is based on 2023.04.17 version of q https://code.kx.com/pykx/1.6/changelog.html#pykx-160 To get a new license with a more open maintenance expiry date your designated contact can reach out to licadmin@kx.com to have a new license issued: https://code.kx.com/q/learn/licensing/#commercial

  • rocuinneagain

    August 9, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I’ve corrected my link. You specifically need the insights free trial license to get the flags: https://kx.com/kdb-insights-personal-edition-license-download/

  • powerpeanuts

    August 9, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I have similar issue as well, already set QLIC pointing to license folder, but get license error: upd, not sure if same root cause as yours.

  • rocuinneagain

    August 10, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Does the import work in unlicensed mode? set QARGS=”–unlicensed”

  • rocuinneagain

    August 11, 2023 at 12:00 am

    It’s expected that you cannot run pykx.q(‘1+1’) when in unlicensed mode. Can you try again for licensed mode after making a copy of:C:UsersAmod Shankeranaconda3envspython396python.EXE The copy should be python3.EXE:C:UsersAmod Shankeranaconda3envspython396python3.EXE + just to confirm: 1. How did you install PyKX? 2. What version have you installed? pykx.__version__ or view it in conda list

  • amod

    August 11, 2023 at 12:00 am

    I tried with python3.exe, but the behaviour remains same. I can import in unlicensed mode but it fails with licensed mode throwing .nyi error. I installed pykx using pip. I have tried it with different versions of python, i.e. 3.9.6 and 3.8 in different conda environments. They both are behaving similarly. They pykx version is 1.6.1 in my system.

  • amod

    August 11, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Yes. Following is the screenshot for the same. Everything seems fine, but again it fails with no license exception when I run a simple q command. I don’t know how relevant it is but I’m using a Windows machine with windows 11 OS.

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