Loading a database from GCS storage
I am trying to load a database using GCS.
- I have read and followed this documentation
- I have created a database (by the example):
d:2021.09.01+til 20 {[d;n]sv[`;.Q.par[`:test/db/;d;`trade],`]set .Q.en[`:test/;([]sym:`$'n?.Q.A;time:.z.P+til n;price:n?100f;size:n?50)];}[;10000]each d
- I have uploaded it to GCS.
This is how my bucket looks:
- I have set environment variable GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID to the correct project.
- The contents of par.txt
$ cat par.txt gs://lior_kdb/db
- When I try to load this way:
q)l db
Thee is no error.
- When I try to access the data, I get an error
q)t:get`$":gs://lior_kdb/db/2021.09.01/trade/" 'gs://lior_kdb/db/2021.09.01/trade/. OS reports: No such file or directory [0] t:get`$":gs://lior_kdb/db/2021.09.01/trade/"
All other attempts to access the database also fail.
I am using KDB+ 4.0 2023.08.11 installed on Ubuntu 20.04
Could you please assist,
Thank you,
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