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Home Forums kdb+ Problem with log message when using trap

  • Problem with log message when using trap

    Posted by ekallivrousis on November 10, 2021 at 12:00 am
        .util.logMsg["Closing handle"]; 
        update handle:0Ni from `.cfg.handles where handle=h; 
        @[hclose; h;.util.logError["Error closing handle: ",(string h)]]; 
    logMsg:{[x] show string[.z.Z], "-" , x; }; 
    logError:{ logMsg["ERROR: ",x]; :`error; };

    For some reason the trap is printing error closing handle when infact its closing it. I only want it to print when it might have issue closing it. Am i missing something?

    ekallivrousis replied 9 months, 1 week ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • jason_fealy

    November 10, 2021 at 12:00 am

    Hi, the trap itself needs to be a function otherwise it will be evaluated regardless of whether the application of your function (hclose) fails or not.

    q)logError:{-1"Error: ",x;} 
    q)@[10+;10;logError"Can't add"] 
    Error: Can't add 20 
    q)@[10+;10;{logError"Can't add"}] 
    q)@[10+;`abc;{logError"Can't add"}] 
    Error: Can't add


  • cillianreilly

    November 11, 2021 at 12:00 am

    The error thrown is passed as the first parameter to the function. https://code.kx.com/q/ref/apply/#trap. To allow parameters, you need to have a function of rank 2 or greater, you can then create a projection of a rank 1 function by eliding the first parameter:


    q)logError:{-1"Error: ",x;} 
    q)@[10+;`abc;{logError x,". Couldn't add 10 to ",string y}[;`abc]] 
    Error: type. Couldn't add 10 to abc


    You can extend this to allow additional parameters to your error function by creating greater rank functions

  • ekallivrousis

    November 11, 2021 at 12:00 am

    This looks good but how can i pass a parameter to that function? doesnt seem to allow me to pass anything.

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