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Home Forums PyKX PyKX 2.4.0 Released!

  • PyKX 2.4.0 Released!

    Posted by cmccarthy1 on March 21, 2024 at 9:22 am

    Hi all,

    PyKX 2.4.0 has been released. Full details on the release can be found here.


    • Support for q/kdb+ 4.1 documentation here added as an opt-in capability, this functionality is enabled through setting PYKX_4_1_ENABLED environment variable.

    >>> import os

    >>> os.environ['PYKX_4_1_ENABLED'] = 'True'

    >>> import pykx as kx

    >>> kx.q.z.K


    • Added support for Python 3.12
      • Support for PyArrow in this python version is currently in Beta.
    • Added conversion of NumPy arrays of type datetime64[s], datetime64[ms], datetime64[us] to kx.TimestampVector
    • Added Table.sort_values(), Table.nsmallest() and Table.nlargest() to the Pandas like API for sorting tables.
    • Table.rename() now supports non-numerical index columns and improved the quality of errors thrown.
    • Added the reconnection_attempts key word argument to SyncQConnection, SecureQConnection, and AsyncQConnection 0IPC classes. This argument allows IPC connection to be automatically re-established when it is lost and a server has reinitialized.

    >>> import pykx as kx

    >>> conn = kx.SyncQConnection(port = 5050, reconnection_attempts=4)

    >>> conn('1+1') # Following this call the server on port 5050 was closed for 2 seconds


    >>> conn('1+2')

    WARNING: Connection lost attempting to reconnect. Failed to reconnect, trying again in 0.5 seconds.

    Failed to reconnect, trying again in 1.0 seconds.

    Connection successfully reestablished.


    • Added –reconnection_attempts option to Jupyter %%q magic making use of the above IPC logic changes.
    • Addition of environment variable/configuration value PYKX_QDEBUG which allows debugging backtrace to be displayed for all calls into q instead of requiring a user to specify debugging is enabled per-call. This additionally works for remote IPC calls and utilisation of Jupyter magic commands.

    >>> import os

    >>> os.environ['PYKX_QDEBUG'] = 'True'

    >>> import pykx as kx

    >>> kx.q('{x+1}', 'e')


    [2] {x+1}


    [1] (.Q.trp)

    [0] {[pykxquery] .Q.trp[value; pykxquery; {if[y~();:(::)];2@"backtrace:


    ",.Q.sbt y;'x}]}

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

    File "/usr/local/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pykx/embedded_q.py", line 230, in __call__

    return factory(result, False)

    File "pykx/_wrappers.pyx", line 493, in pykx._wrappers._factory

    File "pykx/_wrappers.pyx", line 486, in pykx._wrappers.factory

    pykx.exceptions.QError: type

    Fixes and Improvements

    • Resolved segfaults on Windows when PyKX calls Python functions under q.

    >>> import pykx as kx

    >>> kx.q('{[f;x] f x}', sum, kx.q('4 4#til 16'))

    pykx.LongVector(pykx.q('24 28 32 36'))

    • Updated kdb Insights Core libraries to 4.0.8, see here for more information.
    • Updated libq 4.0 version to 2024.03.04 for all supported OS’s.
    • Fix issue where use of valid C backed q code APIs could result in segmentation faults when called.

    >>> import pykx as kx

    >>> isf = kx.q('.pykx.util.isf')

    >>> isf


    >>> isf(True)


    • Each call to the PyKX query API interned 3 new unique symbols. This has now been removed.

    Beta Features

    • Addition of Compress and Encrypt classes to allow users to set global configuration and for usage within Database partition persistence.


    >>> import pykx as kx

    >>> compress = kx.Compress(algo=kx.CompressionAlgorithm.gzip, level=8)

    >>> kx.q.z.zd


    >>> compress.global_init()

    pykx.LongVector(pykx.q('17 2 8'))

    >>> encrypt = kx.Encrypt(path='/path/to/the.key', password='PassWord')

    >>> encrypt.load_key()


    >>> import pykx as kx

    >>> compress = kx.Compress(algo=kx.CompressionAlgorithm.lz4hc, level=10)

    >>> db = kx.DB(path='/tmp/db')

    >>> db.create(kx.q('([]10?1f;10?1f)', 'tab', kx.q('2020.03m'), compress=compress)

    >>> kx.q('-21!`:/tmp/db/2020.03/tab/x')


    compressedLength | 140

    uncompressedLength| 96

    algorithm | 4i

    logicalBlockSize | 17i

    zipLevel | 10i


    megan_mcp replied 9 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply

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