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  • Query Routing/ Load Balancing / asynchronous callbacks

    Posted by simon_watson_sj on April 2, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Hi all,

    I’ve had a frustrating experience attempting to set up a load balancer and query router on a collection of q processes both started independently and with developer. I wondered if anyone can see the schoolboy error or has any insight to share.
    I’ve tried:
    1) using the base load balancing server script:
    start 4 q processes on ports 5001 to 5004
    start a 5th process with this script loaded on start.
    try loading an HDB and querying directly on that 5th process or by sending queries to that 5th process with a Developer session set up as a client.
    I get nothing back
    2) using the full query router
    start up 3 processes on ports 5001 to 5003 with gateway, loadBalancer and service scripts loaded to them (the start order i use is load balancer, then service, then gateway).  The only changes I made to the scripts was to add the text from the white paper to aid my understanding and to define a random number generated to initialise the SEQ variable in the gateway script. The service script actually just creates dummy tables but I wanted to make as few changes as possible to get the POC running.
    In any case, when I try connecting to gateway with Developer as client. I have no success. I have added the scripts in the post below as I can’t attach more than one file at a time and it appears the system is clever enough to thwart my attempt to get around the restriction on attaching zips.
    From an earlier post to the Community, I understand that Developer doesn’t actually support the use of peach with separate processes rather than threads. This has me thinking that one of the below is true:
    • I am screwing up the code implementation
    • I am screwing up the code implementation AND can’t use developer with these multiprocess architectures
    • the code as shown in the above links contains errors
    • There is a bug in the q version available separate to the platform offering that means you can’t do asynchronous callbacks on either Developer or a raw q process.

    I hope minds greater than my own might be able to cast light on which of these 4 options is true and what the solution might be. In summary, at present I am yet to successfully execute an asynchronous callback.



    //////////////////////// // Gateway //////////////////////// 
    // https://code.kx.com/q/wp/query-routing/# 
    // loading order: 
    // * load balancer: p 5001 
    // * service: p 5002 
    // * gateway: p 5003 
    // * client 
    // When a connection is opened to the Load Balancer, the handle is set to the variable LB, which will be referenced throughout this paper. 
    // As asynchronous messages are used throughout this framework, we also create the variable NLB, 
    // which is assigned with the negative handle to the load balancer. 
    // p 5555 p 5003 manageConn:{@[{NLB::neg LB::hopen x};`:localhost:5001;{show x}]}; registerGWFunc:{addResource LB(`registerGW;`)}; 
    // The gateway connects to the Load Balancer and retrieves the addresses of all service resources, establishing a connection to each. 
    // This is the only time the gateway uses synchronous IPC communication to ensure it has all of the details it requires before accepting 
    // user queries. After the gateway registers itself as a subscriber for any new resources that come available, all future communication is 
    // sent via asynchronous messages. 
    resources:([address:()] source:();sh:()); 
    addResource:{ `resources upsert `address xkey update sh:{hopen first x}each address from x }; 
    // The gateway process creates and maintains an empty query table. The complexity of this table is at the developers discretion. In this example well record: 
    // * Unique sequence number per query (sq) 
    // * Handle from user process (uh) 
    // * Timestamps for when the query was received, when the query got sent to an available resource, and when the query results are sent back 
    // to the user (rec, snt, ret respectively) 
    // * The user ID (user) 
    // * The service handle (sh) 
    // * The service requested by user (serv) 
    // * The users query 
    queryTable:([sq:`int$()]; uh:`int$(); rec:`timestamp$(); snt:`timestamp$(); ret:`timestamp$(); usr:`$(); sh:`int$(); serv:`$(); query:() ); 
    // This table could be extended to include more information by making small changes to the code in this paper. 
    // These fields could include the status of a query, error messages received from service or the total time a query took from start to end. 
    // As mentioned previously, users make requests by calling the userQuery function on the gateway. This function takes a two-item list argument: (Service;Query). 
    // The gateway will validate the existence of a service matching the name passed to userQuery and send an error if no such resource exists. 
    // We are setting outside the scope of this paper any further request validation, including access permissioning. 
    // For further details on access control, please refer to the technical white paper "Permissions with kdb+". 
    // When a user sends her query via the userQuery function, we assign the query a unique sequence number and publish an asynchronous request to the 
    // Load Balancer to be assigned an available resource. 
    // initialise the query id generator. 
    SEQ: first 1?0; userQuery:{ $[(serv:x 0) in exec distinct source from resources; // valid service? [queryTable,:(SEQ+:1;.z.w;.z.p;0Np;0Np;.z.u;0N;serv;x 1); NLB(`requestService;SEQ;serv)]; (neg .z.w)(`$"Service Unavailable")] }; 
    // The addResource function defined earlier is used to add new service instances to the plant, while the serviceAlloc function is used to 
    // pass back an allocated resource for a given query sequence number. The query is retrieved by its sequence number from queryTable and 
    // sent to the allocated service resource. If the user has since disconnected from the gateway before a resource could be provided, the gateway 
    // informs the Load Balancer to make this resource free again by executing the returnService function in the Load Balancer. After each event, 
    // the timestamp fields are updated within the queryTable. serviceAlloc:{[sq;addr] $[null queryTable[sq;`uh]; 
    // Check if user is still waiting on results 
    // Service no longer required [(neg sh:resources[addr;`sh]) (`queryService;(sq;queryTable[sq;`query])); 
    // Send query to allocated resource, update queryTable queryTable[sq;`snt`sh]:(.z.p;sh)]] }; 
    // When a service returns results to the gateway, the results arrive tagged with the same sequence number sent in the original query. This 
    // incoming message packet executes the returnRes function, which uses the sequence number to identify the user handle and return the results. 
    // If the user has disconnected before the results can be returned then the user handle field uh will be set to null (through the .z.pc trigger) 
    // causing nothing further to be done. returnRes:{[res] uh:first exec uh from queryTable where sq=(res 0); 
    // (res 0) is the sequence number if[not null uh;(neg uh)(res 1)]; 
    // (res 1) is the result queryTable[(res 0);`ret]:.z.p }; 
    // In the situation where a process disconnects from the gateway, .z.pc establishes what actions to take. As mentioned, a disconnected user 
    // will cause queryTable to be updated with a null user handle. If the user currently has no outstanding queries, the gateway has nothing to 
    // do. If a service disconnects from the gateway whilst processing an outstanding user request, then all users that have outstanding 
    // requests to this database are informed and the database is purged from the available resources table. 
    // If our Load Balancer connection has dropped, all users with queued queries will be informed. All connections are disconnected and purged 
    // from the resources table. This ensures that all new queries will be returned directly to users as the Load Balancer is unavailable to 
    // respond to their request. A timer is set to attempt to reconnect to the Load Balancer. On reconnection, the gateway will re-register 
    // itself, pull all available resources and establish new connections. The .z.ts trigger is executed once, on script startup, 
    // to initialize and register the process. .z.pc:{[handle] 
    // if handle is for a user process, set the query handle (uh) as null update uh:0N from `queryTable where uh=handle; 
    // if handle is for a resource process, remove from resources delete from `resources where sh=handle; 
    // if any user query is currently being processed on the service which 
    // disconnected, send message to user 
    if[count sq:exec distinct sq from queryTable where sh=handle,null ret; returnRes'[sq cross `$"Service Disconnect"]]; if[handle~LB; 
    // if handle is Load Balancer 
    // Send message to each connected user, which has not received results 
    (neg exec uh from queryTable where not null uh,null snt)@: `$"Service Unavailable"; 
    // Close handle to all resources and clear resources table 
    hclose each (0!resources)`sh; delete from `resources; 
    // update queryTable to close outstanding user queries update snt:.z.p,ret:.z.p from `queryTable where not null uh,null snt; 
    // reset LB handle and set timer of 10 seconds 
    // to try and reconnect to Load Balancer process 
    LB::0; NLB::0; value"\t 10000"] };
    .z.ts:{ manageConn[]; if[0<LB;@[registerGWFunc;`;{show x}];value"\t 0"] };

    Load Balancer

    //////////////////////// // LoadBalancer //////////////////////// 
    // https://code.kx.com/q/wp/query-routing/# 
    // loading order: 
    // * load balancer: p 5001 
    // * service: p 5002 
    // * gateway: p 5003 
    // * client 
    // Within our Load Balancer there are two tables and a list: 
    // p 1234 p 5001 
    services:([handle:`int$()] address:`$(); source:`$(); gwHandle:`int$(); sq:`int$(); udt:`timestamp$() );
    serviceQueue:([gwHandle:`int$();sq:`int$()] source:`$(); time:`timestamp$() );
    // The service table maintains all available instances/resources of services registered and the gateways currently using each service resource. 
    // The serviceQueue maintains a list of requests waiting on resources. A list is also maintained, called gateways, which contains all gateway handles. 
    // Gateways connecting to the Load Balancer add their handle to the gateways list. New service resources add their connection details to the services table. 
    // When a service resource registers itself using the registerResource function, the Load Balancer informs all registered gateways of the newly available 
    // resource. The next outstanding query within the serviceQueue table is allocated immediately to this new resource. 
    registerGW:{gateways,:.z.w ; select source, address from services};
     registerResource:{[name;addr] `services upsert (.z.w;addr;name;0N;0N;.z.p); (neg gateways)@:(`addResource;enlist`source`address!(name;addr)); 
    // Sends resource information to all registered gateway handles serviceAvailable[.z.w;name] }; 
    // Incoming requests for service allocation arrive with a corresponding sequence number. The combination of gateway handle and sequence number will 
    // always be unique. The requestService function either provides a service to the gateway or adds the request to the serviceQueue. When a resource is allocated 
    // to a user query, the resource address is returned to the gateway along with the query sequence number that made the initial request. 
    // Returns query sequence number and resource address to gateway handle 
    requestService:{[seq;serv] res:exec first handle from services where source=serv,null gwHandle; 
    // Check if any idle service resources are available 
    $[null res; addRequestToQueue[seq;serv;.z.w]; [services[res;`gwHandle`sq`udt]:(.z.w;seq;.z.p); sendService[.z.w;res]]] }; 
    // If all matching resources are busy, then the gateway handle + sequence number combination is appended to the serviceQueue table along with the service required. 
    addRequestToQueue:{[seq;serv;gw]`serviceQueue upsert (gw;seq;serv;.z.p)}; 
    // After a service resource has finished processing a request, it sends an asynchronous message to the Load Balancer, executing the returnService function. 
    // As mentioned previously, if the user disconnects from the gateway prior to being allocated a service resource, the gateway also calls this function.
    // The incoming handle differentiates between these two situations. 
    returnService:{ serviceAvailable . $[.z.w in (0!services)`handle; (.z.w;x); value first select handle,source from services where gwHandle=.z.w,sq=x ] };
    // On execution of the serviceAvailable function, the Load Balancer will either mark this resource as free, or allocate the resource to the next gateway + 
    // sequence number combination that has requested this service, updating the services and serviceQueue tables accordingly. 
    serviceAvailable:{[zw;serv] nxt:first n:select gwHandle,sq from serviceQueue where source=serv; serviceQueue::(1#n)_ serviceQueue; 
    // Take first request for service and remove from queue services[zw;`gwHandle`sq`udt]:(nxt`gwHandle;nxt`sq;.z.p); if[count n; sendService[nxt`gwHandle;zw]] }; 
    // Any resource that disconnects from the Load Balancer is removed from the services table. If a gateway has disconnected, 
    // it is removed from the resource subscriber list gateways and all queued queries for any resources must also be removed, 
    // and the resource freed up for other gateways. Unlike other components in this framework, the Load Balancer does not 
    // attempt to reconnect to processes, as they may have permanently been removed from the service pool of resources. In a 
    // dynamically adjustable system, service resources could be added and removed on demand based on the size of the 
    // serviceQueue table. 
    .z.pc:{[h] services _:h; gateways::gateways except h; delete from `serviceQueue where gwHandle=h; update gwHandle:0N from `services where gwHandle=h }; 
    // If a gateway dies, data services will continue to run queries that have already been routed to them, 
    // which will not subsequently be returned to the client. It is also possible that the next query assigned to this 
    // resource may experience a delay as the previous query is still being evaluated. As mentioned later, 
    // all resources should begin with a timeout function to limit interruption of service.


    //////////////////////// // Service //////////////////////// 
    // https://code.kx.com/q/wp/query-routing/# 
    // loading order: 
    // * load balancer: p 5001 
    // * service: p 5002 
    // * gateway: p 5003 
    // * client 
    // The example below takes a simple in-memory database containing trade and quote data that users can query. 
    // An example timeout of ten seconds is assigned, to prevent queries running for too long. 
    T 10 p 5002 LB:0 egQuote:([] date:10#.z.D-1; sym:10#`FDP; time:09:30t+00:30t*til 10; bid:100.+0.01*til 10; ask:101.+0.01*til 10 );
    egTrade:([] date:10#.z.D-1; sym:10#`FDP; time:09:30t+00:30t*til 10; price:100.+0.01*til 10; size:10#100 );
    // Each instance of a service uses the same service name. Within this example, the service name is hard-coded, but this would ideally be set 
    // via a command line parameter. In our example below, our service name is set to `EQUITY_MARKET_RDB. In designing a user-friendly system, 
    // service names should be carefully set to clearly describe a services purpose. Similar processes (with either a different port number or 
    // running on a different host) can be started up with this service name, increasing the pool of resources available to users. 
    // The serviceDetails function is executed on connection to the Load Balancer to register each service address. 
    manageConn:{@[{NLB::neg LB::hopen x}; `:localhost:5001; {show "Can't connect to Load Balancer-> ",x}] };
    serviceName:`EQUITY_MARKET_RDB; serviceDetails:(`registerResource; serviceName; `$":" sv string (();.z.h;system"p") );
    // When a gateway sends the service a request via the queryService function, a unique sequence number assigned by a given gateway arrives as 
    // the first component of the incoming asynchronous message. The second component, the query itself, is then evaluated. The results of this query 
    // is stamped with the same original sequence number and returned to the gateway handle. 
    // As mentioned previously, query interpretation/validation on the gateway side is outside of the scope of this paper. 
    // Any errors that occur due to malformed queries will be returned via protected evaluation from database back to the user. 
    // In the situation where the process query times out, 'stop will be returned to the user via the projection errProj. 
    // On completion of a request, an asynchronous message is sent to the Load Balancer informing it that the service is now available for the next request. 
    execRequest:{[nh;rq]nh(`returnRes;(rq 0;@[value;rq 1;{x}]));nh[]};
    queryService:{ errProj:{[nh;sq;er]nh(sq;`$er);nh[]}; @[execRequest[neg .z.w];x;errProj[neg .z.w;x 0]]; NLB(`returnService;serviceName) };
    // Note that in the execRequest function, nh is the asynchronous handle to the gateway. Calling nh[] after sending the result causes the outgoing 
    // message queue for this handle to be flushed immediately. 
    // Like our gateway, the .z.pc handle is set to reconnect to the Load Balancer on disconnect. The .z.ts function retries to connect to the Load Balancer, 
    // and once successful the service registers its details. The .z.ts function is executed once on start-up like the gateway to initialize the first connection. 
    .z.ts:{manageConn[];if[0<LB;@[NLB;serviceDetails;{show x}];value"\t 0"]};
    .z.pc:{[handle]if[handle~LB;LB::0;value"\t 10000"]};
    simon_watson_sj replied 10 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • davidcrossey

    April 4, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for sharing your query.

    Just curious if you have you tried either of these approaches outside of Developer on raw q processes to run as async callbacks?



  • simon_watson_sj

    April 6, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Hi David,

    Thank you for your speedy response! I have tried the load balancer on basic q processes.

    I did the following:

    copy the following files to QHOME:

    • loadBalancer.q
    • service.q
    • gateway.q

    Next, I defined function qmserve in .bashrc  as follows:

    qmserve(){ q loadBalancer.q -p 5001 & q service.q -p 5002 & q gateway.q -p 5003 & q -p 5004 & q -p 5005 }

    and ran

    source .bashrc

    from the command line in the home directory to load up the function.

    I then executed the function qmserve and noted 5 processes starting.

    at q prompt did this:

    gw:{h:hopen x;{(neg x)(`userQuery;y);x[]}[h]}[`:localhost:5003]

    followed by this:

    gw(`EQUITY_MARKET_RDB;"select from trade where date=max date")

    The result was a hanging cursor.

    Looking in the service.q code, what does LB do when it is used in manageConn?

    My thoughts for troubleshooting was that I should load up the processes separately on multiple terminals as using ‘&’ suppresses error returns as I’m sure you will know. An alternative view though is that my final process doesn’t have a ‘&’ so should return errors normally.

    Keen for any thoughts you might have even if it’s on the next steps for my troubleshooting. I wondered if it was worth loading up the scripts in a q startup process wrapped in my qmserve function but then start up my client q process directly on the command line. I don’t think the function wrapper in the bash script should change things but it never hurts to try.


  • davidcrossey

    April 11, 2022 at 12:00 am


    I think the issue is that you are blocking on the client as your last command


    Interprocess communication | Basics | kdb+ and q documentation – Kdb+ and q documentation (kx.com)

    They may be no message being sent back from the client, especially true if is an issue on the server, or if you don’t have a callback on the calling handle.

    Perhaps you meant to async flush?


    Might be worth while putting a nohup on the front of your ‘&’ commands, and I’d also suggest opening you handle as the projection, instead of opening per call to GW. You could add a check in your funct to check if the handle is valid and reopen as needed?

    Just an note – you could save that function in any file, and source; doesn’t have to be .bashrc unless that’s your intention.

  • simon_watson_sj

    April 14, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Thanks Dave,

    I still get no luck – I should say that if I open a port to 5003 directly using

    `h_gw set hopen 5003;

    I can get it to do say “5+6” (returning 11) or “til 5” (returning 1 2 3 4).

    As you advised, I restructured the gateway function:

    gw:{(neg `h_gw[])(`userQuery;x);`h_gw[]""}

    I now get an error back from

    gw(`EQUITY_MARKET_RDB;"select from trade where date=max date")

    where it doesn’t seem to recognize the table. It does return properly now though. I will add log functions to each component on the gw and see what gets done when. Also I should say, I took all the code directly from the query routing white paper. Perhaps I’m being too flippant with my cut and paste – either way, this process will get the skills built. I will report back with news from the logs.


  • simon_watson_sj

    May 10, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Hey David – I wanted to follow up on this. I have recently built myself a fancypants new PC. I’m keen to squeeze as much as possible out of it so I went for a bare metal environment rather than in containers. I have just tried loading up the load balancer example using mserve.q and it seems to be working fine.

    I’ll update when I try the full query router example and let you know if there are still issues. I would like to get it going in containers – I wonder if the docker approach would mean using one process per container. I will advise as I discover!!!



  • simon_watson_sj

    May 11, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Hey David – updates!

    I think the Query Router white paper might have a couple of quirks that are me causing issues. (Although at the moment I feel like the guy in the 2000’s who blames Bill Gates when he stuffs up is VB code)

    I think the main issue is this:

    returnRes:{[res] uh:first exec uh from queryTable where sq=(res 0); // (res 0) is the sequence number if[not null uh;(neg uh)(res 1)]; // (res 1) is the result queryTable[(res 0);`ret]:.z.p }

    In particular:

    (neg uh)(res 1)

    I think res causes a `Type failure because it needs to be a string. I’ve tried:

    (neg uh) .Q.s1 (res 1)

    but that doesn’t return anything that shows up anywhere. Interestingly, if I do something like (neg uh)”foo:123″;(neg uh)””;

    from the gateway, then I do get a variable called foo with that value on the client.

    My next attempt will be to either adjust the query process so it assigns return data to a variable or go through the async paper again and see what the standard method is.

    I will let you know how I go.


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