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  • select with combinational conditions

    Posted by powerpeanuts on May 29, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Hi, is there a way to make select statements with multiple conditions in combinations?

    For example, for the table below:

    q)flip `date`data!(2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.19 2023.05.19 2023.05.19;`a`c`b`b`b`c) 
    date      data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 c 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 c


    I would like to select rows with

    (date=2023.05.20 and data in `a`b) or

    (date=2023.05.19 and data in enlist `b)

    i.e. the results should be


    date      data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b


    I have a list of these dates/data combinations, is there an easy way to do such filter?


    2023.05.20 `a`b

    2023.05.19 enlist `b

    2023.05.18 `c`d`a

    2023.05.17 `d`a




    powerpeanuts replied 1 year ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • rocuinneagain

    May 29, 2023 at 12:00 am

    If you went directly in to writing what you ask:


    q)t:flip `date`data!(2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.19 2023.05.19 2023.05.19;`a`c`b`b`b`c) 
    q)select from t where any (and[date=2023.05.20;data in `a`b];and[date=2023.05.19;data in enlist `b])
    date data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    q)parse "select from t where any (and[date=2023.05.20;data in `a`b];and[date=2023.05.19;data in enlist `b])" 
    q)?[`t;enlist(any;(enlist;(and;(=;`date;2023.05.20);(in;`data;enlist `a`b));(and;(=;`date;2023.05.19);(in;`data;(enlist;enlist`b)))));0b;()] 
    date data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    q)f:((2023.05.20;`a`b);(2023.05.19;enlist `b);(2023.05.18;`c`d`a);(2023.05.17;`d`a)) 
    q)?[`t;(enlist(any;enlist,{(and;(=;`date;x 0);(in;`data;enlist x 1))}each f));0b;()] 
    date data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b


    Much better if the data is on disk and partitioned by date would be to iterate over each date and not each filter:


    q)f:flip `date`syms!flip f 
    date syms 
    2023.05.20 `a`b 
    2023.05.19 ,`b 
    2023.05.18 `c`d`a 
    2023.05.17 `d`a 
    q)raze {select from t where date=x`date,data in x`data} peach 0!select distinct raze data by date from f 
    date data 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b


  • eohara_kdb

    May 29, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Assuming your initial table can grow to a large size, probably best to only query it once to get the dates and symbols you’re interested in:


    q)l:((2023.05.20;`a`b);(2023.05.19;enlist `b);(2023.05.18;`c`d`a);(2023.05.17;`d`a)); 
    q)tab:flip `date`data!(2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.19 2023.05.19 2023.05.19;`a`c`b`b`b`c); 
    q)subset:select from tab where date in l[;0],data in raze l[;1]; 
    q)raze{select from y where date=x[0],data in x[1]}[;subset]each l 
    date      data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b


    There’s probably a more efficient way but this should do it

  • unterrainer_ale

    May 30, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Something worth adding to the previous answers: If you can transform your filter into a table then the select is much easier. To illustrate

    q)t:flip `date`data!(2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.19 2023.05.19 2023.05.19;`a`c`b`b`b`c) 
    date      data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 c 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 c 
    q)select from t where ([] date;data) in ([] date:2023.05.20 2023.05.20 2023.05.19;data:`a`b`b) 
    date      data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    q)filter:([] date:2023.05.20 2023.05.19 2023.05.18 2023.05.17; data:(`a`b;enlist `b;`c`d`a;`d`a)) 
    date        data 
    2023.05.20 `a`b 
    2023.05.19 ,`b 
    2023.05.18 `c`d`a 
    2023.05.17 `d`a 
    q)ungroup filter 
    date      data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.18 c 
    2023.05.18 d 
    2023.05.18 a 
    2023.05.17 d 
    2023.05.17 a 
    q)t1:ungroup filter 
    q)select from t where ([] date;data) in t1 
    date      data 
    2023.05.20 a 
    2023.05.20 b 
    2023.05.19 b 
    2023.05.19 b

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