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Home Forums kdb+ Swap key-value in dictionary

  • cillianreilly

    August 19, 2022 at 12:00 am

    This achieves what you’re looking for.

    q)d:1 2 3!(4 5 3;6 7 3;4 1) 
    q)r:1 3 4 5 6 7!(enlist 3;1 2;1 3;enlist 1;enlist 2;enlist 2) 
    q){a!key[x]where each flip value(a:asc distinct raze x)in/:x} d 
    1| ,3 
    3| 1 2 
    4| 1 3 
    5| ,1 
    6| ,2 
    7| ,2 
    q)r~{a!key[x]where each flip value(a:asc distinct raze x)in/:x}d 
  • cillianreilly

    August 19, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Another method:

    q){a!x a:asc key x:group(!). flip raze key[x],''value x}d 
    1| ,3 
    3| 1 2 
    4| 1 3 
    5| ,1 
    6| ,2 
    7| ,2



  • rolf

    August 19, 2022 at 12:00 am
    {key[x][i]!get[x]i:iasc key x:group(!). flip raze key[x],''get x}

    indexing into the keys instead of doing a lookup a smidge faster

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