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Home Forums KX Academy Unable to pass 1.3 on testSection[`exercise1] on Advanced Capstone

  • Unable to pass 1.3 on testSection[`exercise1] on Advanced Capstone

    Posted by rmcfee825 on August 1, 2023 at 12:00 am

    quizItem success description                                              error
    exercise1.1 Pass “column file in DB should be renamed to lapId” “”
    exercise1.1 Pass “.d file in DB should be renamed to lapId” “”
    exercise1.1 Pass “all column files should be in event dir” “”
    exercise1.2 Pass “lapId should exist in event table”           “”
    exercise1.3 Fail “check if all values are correct”                  “”
    exercise1.4 Pass “check if lap table exists”                           “”
    exercise1.4 Pass “create new lap dir in f1 DB”                     “”
    exercise1.4 Pass “create col files for lap table”                    “”
    exercise1.4 Pass “.d file should consist of all col names”  “”
    exercise1.5 Pass “check if lap table exists in date dir”       “”
    exercise1.5 Pass “create col files for lap table”                    “”
    exercise1.5 Pass “.d file should consist of all col names”  “”


    meta lap shows
    c               | t f a
    ———–| —–
    date         | d
    session    | s  p
    lapId       | j
    time         | t
    endTime | t
    sensorId | s
    sensorValue| f

    count lap shows 410

    first few rows of lap shows

    date         session lapId time endTime                       sensorId             sensorValue
    2020.01.02 P3 1 12:00:42.329 12:01:14.042 windSpeedFront 159.7311
    2020.01.02 P3 1 12:00:42.329 12:01:14.042 windSpeedBack 159.7292
    2020.01.02 P3 1 12:00:42.329 12:01:14.042 tyrePressureFrontRight 203.8121
    2020.01.02 P3 1 12:00:42.329 12:01:14.042 tyrePressureFrontLeft 203.8102
    2020.01.02 P3 1 12:00:42.329 12:01:14.042 tyrePressureBackRight 203.8104
    2020.01.02 P3 1 12:00:42.329 12:01:14.042 tyrePressureBackLeft 203.8072

    and I used the test data and all seemed correct. Not sure why test is not passing.

    JuanpeGarcia11 replied 5 months, 4 weeks ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Laura

    August 4, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Looks like count and meta are different, they should be:

    //"meta lap" 
    c          | t f a 
    -----------| ----- 
    date       | d 
    sensorId   | s   p 
    session    | s 
    lapId      | j 
    time       | t 
    endTime    | t 
    sensorValue| f 
    // "count lap" 
    date sensorId session lapId time endTime sensorValue 
    2020.01.02 tempBackLeft P3 1 12:00:42.329 12:01:14.042 20.61488 
    2020.01.02 tempBackLeft P3 2 12:01:14.042 12:02:27.094 20.62392 
    2020.01.02 tempBackLeft P3 3 12:02:27.094 12:02:54.318 20.61883 
    2020.01.02 tempBackLeft P3 4 12:02:54.318 12:16:52.146 20.621


    If still stuck can add your code with the spoiler feature (in toolbar – click three dots ) then I can better suggest where you might be going wrong.

  • JuanpeGarcia11

    September 5, 2024 at 11:39 am

    Thanks for your help

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