Unpack nested column in table
Posted by powerpeanuts on August 23, 2022 at 12:00 amhi, how can we unpack nested column in a table? Thanks.
e.g. t:flip `a`b!((1 2 3);((4 5 6);(6 12 23);)(12 36 14)))
to t: flip `a`b1`b2`b3!((1 2 3);(4 6 12);(5 12 36);(6 23 14))
powerpeanuts replied 10 months, 3 weeks ago 7 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
Not too sure on a more elegant and generalisable way, but this code will produce the desired result:
(flip enlist[`a]!enlist[t `a]),’flip `b1`b2`b3!t `b
select a:a ,b1:b[;0],b2:b[;1],b3:b[;2] from t
a b1 b2 b3 ---------- 1 4 5 6 2 6 12 23 3 12 36 14
I guess you mean:
(flip enlist[`a]!enlist[t `a]),'flip `b1`b2`b3!flip t `b a b1 b2 b3 ---------- 1 4 5 6 2 6 12 23 3 12 36 14
Its a little slower, but generalizes the solution a bit.
func:{[td] c:where 0=type each flip td; / find which columns need unpacked ocn:cols td; / store all original column names for order ncn:`$raze{string[x],/:string 1+til count first each flip[y]x}[;td]each(),c; / calculate new column names acn:ncn,ocn except c; / list of all final columns c:raze {x where x like y}[acn;]each string[ocn],'"*"; / all final columns in order flip c!flip raze each td / create final table with column names and column data } q)t a b ---------- 1 4 5 6 2 6 12 23 3 12 36 14 q)func t a b1 b2 b3 ---------- 1 4 5 6 2 6 12 23 3 12 36 14 q)t3 a b c d ------------------ 1 4 5 6 1 1 2 3 2 6 12 23 2 4 5 6 3 12 36 14 3 7 8 9 q)func t3 a b1 b2 b3 c d1 d2 d3 --------------------- 1 4 5 6 1 1 2 3 2 6 12 23 2 4 5 6 3 12 36 14 3 7 8 9
A generalized solution that doesn’t use hardcoded column names (provided as input) or assume the the cells in the nested column having the same length (padded with null for those with shorter length).
unpack:{[t;c] maxLen:max count each t[c]; newCols:`$string[c] ,/: string 1+til maxLen; // concatenate the parts other than the specified column, with the unpacked parts //(x;::;y) is the parsed form of x[;y] ![t; (); 0b; enlist c] ,' ?[t; (); 0b; newCols!{(x;::;y)}'[c;til maxLen]] }
Assume here the column value is a matrix. Start with the new column names.
q)show ncn:`$string[`b],/:string 1+til count first t`b `b1`b2`b3
Pair them with the matrix columns.
q)show d:ncn!flip t`b b1| 4 6 12 b2| 5 12 36 b3| 6 23 14
Heres the table with the nested column removed. (We use Functional qSQL rather than hard-code the column name.)
q)show twc:![t;();0b;enlist`b] / table without column a - 1 2 3 q)twc,'flip d / Join Each new tuple a b1 b2 b3 ---------- 1 4 5 6 2 6 12 23 3 12 36 14
Putting it together:
un:{[tbl;col] / un-nest col in tbl mat:flip tbl col; / un-nest column ncn:`$(,/:) . string(col;) 1+til count mat; / new column names ![tbl;();0b;enlist col],'flip ncn!mat } q)un[t;`b] a b1 b2 b3 ---------- 1 4 5 6 2 6 12 23 3 12 36 14
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