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Home Forums KX Academy Capstone Project Issue| 3. Data Analytics and Reporting (Fail "tradeContext Has Correct Format")

  • Capstone Project Issue| 3. Data Analytics and Reporting (Fail "tradeContext Has Correct Format")

    Posted by ziong on September 26, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Hi all,

    I fail in a test case on exercise 3.1 “tradeContext Has Correct Format”, test report as below:



    quizItem success description                        error 
    exercise3.1 Pass "tradeContext Is Defined In Process" "" 
    exercise3.1 Fail "tradeContext Has Correct Format" "" 
    exercise3.3 Pass "badTrades Is Defined In Process" "" 
    exercise3.3 Fail "bad Trades Has Correct Format" "" 
    exercise3.4 Fail "abort" "abort in before block due to error "/developer-1.5.0-linux/workspace/__nouser__/funds_capstone/badTrades.csv. OS reports: No such file or directory""


    i cross-checked with the project description, seems everything looks good.

    (example from project description)

    date option_id trade_id time price qty side edge exch_id broker_id bid ask
    2020.08.06 FB20200720C230 “258” 13:01:30.268 22.82637 99 S -230.8243 4 705 44.55 45.9
    2020.08.06 KO20201120P55 “142” 10:52:10.106 55.65839 68 B 172.7843 3 703 77.74 78.74


    meta tradeContext (tradeContext’s schema)


    c        | t f a 
    ---------| ----- 
    date     | d 
    option_id| s 
    trade_id | C 
    time     | t 
    price    | f 
    qty      | j 
    side     | s 
    edge     | f 
    exch_id  | j 
    broker_id| j 
    bid      | f 
    ask      | f


    5#tradeContext (sample data)


    date       option_id    trade_id time       price   qty side edge exch_id broker_id bid ask 
    2020.08.03 FB20200720C230 "37" 09:40:54.492 22.89417 27 B 48.54252 3 708 22.66 23.04 
    2020.08.03 FB20200720C230 "74" 10:00:36.511 20.99512 94 B 363.9133 4 708 20.88 21.44 
    2020.08.03 FB20200720C230 "113" 10:25:05.502 5.925473 26 S -18.60517 4 703 5.89 6.18 
    2020.08.03 FB20200720C230 "185" 11:28:44.556 27.83063 94 B 104.0323 4 705 27.81 28.1 
    2020.08.03 FB20200720C230 "275" 13:13:27.811 76.05747 38 B -3.428841 3 705 75.96 76.2


    I have no idea which columns go wrong, anyone can give me some hits?





    ziong replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • ziong

    September 27, 2022 at 12:00 am

    Dear all,

    I fixed it.

    for those who encounter the same issue, there is the correct schema:

    meta tradeContext


    c        | t f a 
    ---------| ----- 
    date     | d 
    option_id| s   p 
    trade_id | C 
    time     | t 
    price    | f 
    qty      | j 
    side     | s 
    edge     | f 
    exch_id  | j 
    broker_id| j 
    bid      | f 
    ask      | f


    good luck

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