chartGL not displaying data correctly when number of legend elements changes
Please see attached an example of this issue, just change the data source to another q process and press the “click” button a couple of times to reproduce.
Summary: I setup a chartGL line graph with the Color Enumeration set to the sym column of the table below, with the x and y axis set to the p and g columns, respectively. As I keep clicking the button to regenerate the chart, after a few clicks, the chart is no longer updating correctly.
For example, if you keep pressing the click button and at the same time check the table, .debug.res, on the q process, you will see that what is being displayed does not match the table. In particular, when n takes value 1, there should only be one sym in the legend list on the top of the chart, but I am seeing seeing multiple still being displayed, probably from previous queries, so it is not fully refreshing the screen.
Please let me know if I am doing something wrong here or if this is an issue
n:first 1+1?10; .debug.res:([] sym:n?`2;p:n?20.0;g:n?20.0); .debug.res
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