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Home Forums KX Solutions KX Analyst – Remote Server Password

  • KX Analyst – Remote Server Password

    Posted by Laura on July 15, 2021 at 12:00 am

    Hi Team,

    KX analyst is really great to use for IDE. If below can be achieved, it will be excellent

    – [Remote Server] Ability to save password or get password from a script/file/env variable

    – Ability to copy table data from Inspect window (Ctrl + I). Also visible gridlines in inspect window (column lines)

    – Ability to view Inspect window in the same tab rather than new window

    – Load existing files from another directory (which is git controlled)

    – Export to excel feature

    – git ssh fix for windows (Known issue)

    If above are already possible, please do let me know the procedure

    Laura replied 4 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • leahs

    July 20, 2021 at 12:00 am

    Hello Contributor,

    Welcome to the KX Community. We are delighted to have you and appreciate your content contribution.

    Here’s some information to help you with regards to the points you raised above.

    •  Analyst supports the use of the -U flag. Note that ANALYST_USE_AUTH must be set to no for this to take effect. Please follow this link to find supporting material:  https://code.kx.com/q/basics/cmdline/#-u-usr-pwd
    • For the inspector in a new tab rather than a new window, pressing Ctrl + Shift + I or Command + Shift + I for mac will open an inspector in a new tab instead of a window.
    • Export to excel can be achieved by exporting to CSV from the inspector Data > Export Data… and using the CSV to import to excel.
    • Thank you for your feedback regarding loading existing files from another directory. I will certainly add this to our feedback board. For now, you can do a local upload to an Analyst repo New > Upload local files…

    Thank you again for joining the KX Community. We hope it will be a fun and engaging place to enhance your overall KX experience.

    Kind regards,


  • Laura

    July 20, 2021 at 12:00 am

    Thanks Leah for the response.

    I’m able to set/not set password to the local analyst instance. My question was for connecting to another remote server (requires auth). For remote server connections, I was asking if there were alternate methods to specify password once and its re-used everytime.

    Inspector in new tab is helpful.

    I’m looking at ways to reduce number of things I need to do to get csv/excel output. Also, it could randomly choose a file name.

  • leahs

    July 20, 2021 at 12:00 am


    Your response is very much appreciated. Thank you for clarifying your issue.

    There is no way at present to set a default remote connection password. There is a way to set a default user for all connections but for security reasons we do not allow a default password.

    We hope this helps you. We look forward to further engagement on the KX Community.

    Kind regards.


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