Forum Replies Created

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  • If I replace the chartGL with a Pie chart I get the same problem, so its not a chartGL specific issue

  • jlucid

    August 22, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Clicking a single legend element strikes through all

    Do you know when the next release of Dashboards Direct is expected? Is there a page which lists the fixes per release so I can know if a fix was included ? Thanks

  • jlucid

    August 17, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Proxying traffic to KX Dashboards

    Anyone with experience able to assist on this one please?

  • jlucid

    July 31, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: C API, calling k within a thread

    I was just looking through old discussions,  and can came across this one

    where Charlie was recommending calling k() within a thread because the call blocks until the send buffer receives the message, if the buffer is full, the call will block until it is cleared. So this would imply its ok to call k within a thread, unless I am reading this wrong. What do you think?


  • Thanks Kieran, I compared my settings with yours and they are identical to so that was good to verify. You’re dashboard worked as expected in my browser. I tried to modify your data source in various ways to repo the error but with no success. I tried adding common columns to both tables, changing the table lengths, adding some character columns etc but I couldnt break it.

    I also checked for browser errors on my dashboard but nothing is standing out.

    When the issue appears, if I go to edit mode and execute the query (so input arguments are the same) the results returned are as expected, I press apply and the old records vanish.  So I am happy the query itself is returning the expected values. Its a very odd one.

    I can only conclude that there must be a browser error somewhere that’s making the difference on my side.  I will probably try to rebuild the dashboard at some point to see if that fixes it.

    For now, I have decided to change around my dashboard so that the different tables are viewed in separate data grids, and this may actually be more user friendly also, as it allows users to view both tables at the same time.  Thanks again for the help


  • jlucid

    July 26, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: C API, calling k within a thread

    Ok thanks, so to clarify, we are not calling k from a q process, via a shared library. We are running a C++ process where different threads are responsible for publishing data to different q processes using the k function. The threads are created using std::thread. Before the threads are created, the handles to the different q processes are opened and then subsequently passed to the threads to use during the async publish.

    This has been working well for us so far, in that data is being received by the q processes, and we can see that m4 (which returns the memory for the current thread) is showing no memory leaks. Are you saying there could be a danger with this setup?

    We have been looking at the API reference doc, but it doesn’t mention this restriction in regards to k, see Please let us know if there is another reference we should be using.


  • jlucid

    July 24, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Crosshair line thickness

    Ok, looks like it was just some spacing or character issue, its working now even without the !important. So thanks for that, its looking a lot clearer now

  • jlucid

    July 24, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Crosshair line thickness

    Thank you, that info was very helpful.  I ran the line given, replacing the GUID with my own but it didnt seem to take effect.  So I replaced the stroke-width in the file www/modules/ChartGL_9fde571/css/app.css and that fixed it.

    I don’t know why the advanced CSS didn’t work, are you testing this on Dashboards Direct or Kx Dashboards? I’m using DD so may be a difference there.

    Will the ticket you raise also apply to DD?


  • jlucid

    July 17, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Use sha256 for password file authentication

    Thanks David, yes I was thinking the same, using to basically do what I imagine -u is doing 7nder the hood. I just didn’t want to be writing the logic for comparing the users plain text password. Currently with -u, it has the advantage that the logic which does that comparison is inaccessible, so it’s a bit more secure. But if there is no way to overwrite the -33! then defining a is the only way to go.

  • The solution I found for this problem was to open the file below



    And replace the line

    r=function(e){this.showMessageSubmitError(e[0])}.bind(this)     [First character being returned]




    Now when I submit an edit to the Data grid cell, and force the update function to fail (with a mock validation check),  the error message returning is showing the full error message.

    If someone else has a better solution please let me know

  • If I modify my update function like below, where when the if statement is true it hits an undefined variable

    “BadValueInputted” then the error message on screen just shows the first character of the missing variable, the “B”, so the Error message appearing on screen is ” “An error occurred executing the update query: Error text: B”.

    Is there a way to display the full text and not truncate?


     if[not (first dgUpd[`Current]) in 10.0 20.0;
    $[((count dgUpd)>0);`testTable upsert flip dgUpd;];



  • jlucid

    June 28, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Dashboards Direct – Enable SSL for HTTPS

    The solution to this is the following:

    1) Set your environmental variables

    export SSL_KEY_FILE=/path/to/certs/server-key.pem
    export SSL_CERT_FILE=/path/to/certs/server-crt.pem


    2) Start the process with the -E 2 flag

    q dash.q -p 10000 -E 2


    3)  Put the process running behind a Proxy so that you are not

    accessing it directly using an IP address, you need to access it via a proper

    host name otherwise you wll get errors like the below in the dashboard and it

    wont load properly

    “This request was not upgraded to HTTPS because its URL’s host is an IP address.”





  • jlucid

    June 27, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Dashboards Direct – Enable SSL for HTTPS

    Ok I see that if I start it with the -E 2 flag it starts looking for the certificate.

    And it is expecting to find a cert in /usr/lib/ssl , so that’s a start


    $q dash.q -p 10000 -E 2

    system library:file_ctrl:No such file or directory:../crypto/bio/bss_file.c:297:calling fopen(/usr/lib/ssl/server-crt.pem, r)

  • jlucid

    June 26, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Kxdashboards – username/password

    Thanks David, wow that’s fantastic what you built there.  Must have been a lot of work, much appreciated!


    I see that when you purchase a kdb+ license that it comes with Kx Dashboards Direct, which would mean this same one right,  so not the official Kx Platform Dashboards which has the inbuilt support for usernames and password?




  • jlucid

    February 7, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: kdb+ and websockets

    I found the solution through trial and error, its

    :(`$”:ws://localhost:8001″)”GET /ws-replay?exchange=bitmex&from=2019-10-01&to=2019-10-02 HTTP/1.1rnHost: localhost:8001rnrn”

    You insert the additional details after the / following the GET command


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