Forum Replies Created
MemberJuly 24, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Information needed for Kdb Insights Personal Edition LicenseHi Cristian,
A bunch of questions that might help us guide you;
- What version of JuypterQ do you have?
- What format is your licence? i.e. k[x,4,c].lic?
- What flags have you got in your Insights lic? (Can you share your banner information here?)
- What are your QLIC and QHOME env var pointing to?
q).z.l "" "2024.01.13" "2024.01.13" ,"1" "insights.lib.embedq insights.lib.pykx insights.lib.sql insights.lib.qlog ins.. ,"0" ,"0" "dcrossey..." ,"0" q)" " vs .z.l 4 "insights.lib.embedq" "insights.lib.pykx" "insights.lib.sql" "insights.lib.qlog" "insights.lib.kurl" "insights.lib.objstore" "insights.lib.bigquery" "insights.lib.restserver"
Have you installed your licence as per: Install kdb Insights Core – kdb products (kx.com) ?
Yes it can be used on w64, however there are differences in terms of the libraries needed for linking: kdb/w64 at master KxSystems/kdb (github.com)
This repo: kxcontrib/capi (github.com) only supports Linux based environments. You could fork it and add Windows support yourself, or a more straight forward solution would be to setup WSL2 with a *nix distribution (such as Ubuntu), and use that environment for your local development – works with VS Code.
Your usage of square brackets has created the projection on the right-hand side, which is expecting an x argument:
q).my.func:{[x;y;z] (x;y;z)} q)tab col1 col2 ——— a 1 b 2 c 3 / projection q){.my.func[x;y;`field]}'[flip value exec col1,col2 from tab] {.my.func[x;y;`field]}'[((`a;1);(`b;2);(`c;3))] q)type {.my.func[x;y;`field]}'[flip value exec col1,col2 from tab] 104h / right-hand side projection; note .’ as type (‘[x]) will return 106 q)type .'[flip value exec col1,col2 from tab] 104h / using apply-each without square brackets q)type {.my.func[x;y;`field]}.’flip value exec col1,col2 from tab 0h q){.my.func[x;y;`field]}.’flip value exec col1,col2 from tab `a 1 `field `b 2 `field `c 3 `field
Note the usage of apply-each .’
Here is a simplier example of your projection syntax:
/ missing x arg q)@'[1 2] @'[1 2] q)type @'[1 2] 104h / providing x arg q)@'[10+;1 2] 11 12 q)type @'[10+;1 2] 7h
Hope this helps
Did you compile your code and link against the c.o object file too? Check out kdb/l64/c.o at master KxSystems/kdb GitHub If you need a different OS binary, check out the directories at the root of the repo.
More info here: C/C++ | Interfaces | kdb+ and q documentation – Kdb+ and q documentation (kx.com)
MemberJuly 17, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Use sha256 for password file authenticationI don’t believe sha256 is supported with -u/-U, however you could instead perhaps use .z.pw to carry out custom validation to the effect of:
- Read your user:sha256 file in the callback when a connection attempt is made
- Convert the plain text password from the user to sha256
- Validate the user with 1b (success) or 0b (failure)
MemberJuly 6, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Performance using a table to combine where phrasesI would presume optimizations such as left to right sub-clause filtering as mentioned here https://code.kx.com/q4m3/9_Queries_q-sql/#9333-multiple-where-subphrases are lost when filtering using a table/dict lookup.
i.e. we need to check all of the columns specified in the lookup simlataneouly, instead of passing each consective filter to the next sub-phrase.
To visualize differently:
q)show tab:([]c1:`a`b`c;c2:1 2 3) c1 c2 ----- a 1 b 2 c 3 q)tab in 1#tab 100b q)select from tab where tab in 1#tab c1 c2 ----- a 1
Also worth having a look at the parse trees:
q)parse "select from PUBLICATIONS where date=2023.06.28,src=`market,PRICE_TYPE=`dev,INDEX1=`JPM,INDEX2=`,CONTRACT1=`2023.10.M,PROFILE=`,CONTRACT_TYPE=`BLA" ? `PUBLICATIONS ,((=;`date;2023.06.28);(=;`src;,`market);(=;`PRICE_TYPE;,`dev);(=;`INDEX1;,`JPM);(=;`INDEX2;,`);(=;`CONTRACT1;,`2023.10.M);(=;`PROFILE;,`);(=;`CONTRACT_TYPE;,`BLA)) 0b () q)parse "select from PUBLICATIONS where ([]date;SRC;PRICE_TYPE;INDEX1;INDEX2;CONTRACT1;PROFILE;CONTRACT_TYPE) in 1#.eoh.f" ? `PUBLICATIONS ,,(in;(+:;(!;,`date`SRC`PRICE_TYPE`INDEX1`INDEX2`CONTRACT1`PROFILE`CONTRACT_TYPE;(enlist;`date;`SRC;`PRICE_TYPE;`INDEX1;`INDEX2;`CONTRACT1;`PROFILE;`CONTRACT_TYPE)));(#;1;`.eoh.f)) 0b ()
MemberJuly 3, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: How to remove an empty symbol from q dictionaryYou could use except each as follows:
q)d:(2023.03.12 2023.03.13)!(`data1.log`data2.log;“data3.log) q)d 2023.03.12| data1.log data2.log 2023.03.13| data3.log q)d except’ ` 2023.03.12| `data1.log`data2.log 2023.03.13| ,`data3.log
MemberJuly 3, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: How to remove an empty symbol from q dictionaryIf you mean remove the null key, you can drop the null using the following syntax:
q)show d:(4?(0Nd,3?.z.D))!1 2 3 4 2006.11.03| 1 2008.12.03| 2 | 3 | 4 q)enlist[0Nd] _ d 2006.11.03| 1 2008.12.03| 2
Hi Jeremy,
IIRC, permissions are only available in the KX Platform Dashboards.
You could have a look through this wrapper module I worked on a while back to see if it suits your needs or can be extended to do so: https://github.com/davidcrossey/dash-direct-perms
MemberJune 19, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Why creating a table from a tale results in a list of dictionaries?A non-keyed table is just a list of dictionaries, flipped:
q)tab:([]a:1 2 3;b:`a`b`c) tab a b --- 1 a 2 b 3 c q)`a`b!(1 2 3;`a`b`c) a| 1 2 3 b| a b c q)flip `a`b!(1 2 3;`a`b`c) a b --- 1 a 2 b 3 c q)tab~flip `a`b!(1 2 3;`a`b`c) 1b
What you are doing here is creating a new table, with a column called tab. This new column has a record for each row of the original table as a dictionary
q)tab:([]a:1 2 3;b:`a`b`c) tab a b --- 1 a 2 b 3 c q)([]tab) tab ----------- `a`b!(1;`a) `a`b!(2;`b) `a`b!(3;`c)
You can also enlist the table to create a single record in the new table:
q)([] enlist tab) tab -------------------- +`a`b!(1 2 3;`a`b`c)
If you want to create a table from a table, typically you would utilise query filtering to select a subset of columns, or joins from another table. What is your use case here?
You’ll get a type error without the each, because you need to create a scalar from each vector (i.e. each pair of symbols)
q)t:([]sym:`ORCL`APPL;src:`L`R) t sym src -------- ORCL L APPL R q) update symsrc:` sv (sym,'src) from t 'type [0] update symsrc:` sv (sym,'src) from t ^ q) update symsrc:` sv'(sym,'src) from t sym src symsrc --------------- ORCL L ORCL.L APPL R APPL.R
Bonus tip – as shown above, you can avoid using a lambda by using parenthesis so the parser doesn’t interpret the comma as a new column statement.
MemberMarch 24, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Is there a way for pivot table to get the filter currently applied to a data grid on the client side -
MemberMarch 15, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Heap is a lot larger than used, how to find the cause?might be worth checking if the objects are <64MB too
“During that return of memory, q checks if the capacity of the object is ?64MB. If it is and
is 1, the memory is returned immediately to the OS; otherwise, the memory is returned to the thread-local heap for reuse.Executing
additionally attempts to coalesce pieces of the heap into their original allocation units and returns any units ?64MB to the OS.” – System commands in q | Basics | kdb+ and q documentation – Kdb+ and q documentation (kx.com) -
MemberMarch 5, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Capstone Project Exercise 3.1 : Trades done before quotesHi ,
Thanks for raising.
In the real world there should be quotes before trades. I assume given this is an exercise, the data has been randomly generated across a time period and hence you are seeing the above.
I wouldn’t be too concerned, as long as you can see how aj works with some other option_id that’s what matters.