Forum Replies Created

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  • Hello RV,

    Reverting with feedback for you.

    Please find attached the JPG File with a demo on how to do this.

    In your data grid:

    1. Add an action

    2. Set the action type to “Run Query”

    3. Set the Datasource property, set the query editor, set the type to “Virtual” and set the 1st parameter as a viewstate.

    And here is the javascript.xml


        <displayname>run javascript</displayname>
        <description>{ “creationDate”: “Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:28:40 GMT”,
            “lastUpdateDate”: “Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:43:11 GMT”, “tags”: []
        <data>{ “id”: “027f3462-2f80-1cab-d100-940a140170a9”, “name”:
            “run javascript”, “creationDate”: “Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:28:40 GMT”,
            “lastUpdateDate”: “Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:43:11 GMT”, “thumb”: null,
            “screenDetails”: [ { “label”: “Screen 1”, “value”:
            “c6f806d4-7510-0675-d8cf-c29aa2545da2” } ], “screens”: [ { “id”:
            “c6f806d4-7510-0675-d8cf-c29aa2545da2”, “name”: “Screen 1”, “thumb”:
            null, “widgets”: [ { “id”: “c027a14d-3a3c-a89c-9d17-5edeb9d45ef5”,
            “layout”: { “row”: 0, “column”: 0, “rowSpan”: 21, “colSpan”: 19 },
            “component”: { “id”: “55bf3782-28a5-65ee-c3f5-dca3a5fbdd18”, “key”:
            “Datagrid”, “options”: { “version”: “4.7.0”, “datagridPossibleColumns”:
            [ “id”, “col1”, “col2” ], “datagridPossibleColumnsWithItself”: [
            “&lt;this&gt;”, “id”, “col1”, “col2” ], “selectedColumnPossibleValues”:
            [ “id”, “col1”, “col2” ], “highlightTargetPossibleValues”: [ “id”,
            “col1”, “col2”, “*” ], “sortingPossibleValues”: [ “”, “id”, “col1”,
            “col2” ], “Basics”: { “Data”: { “_dashboardsType”: “data”, “value”:
            “data” } }, “ColumnsConfiguration”: [ { “Field”: “id”, “DisplayName”:
            “id”, “Format”: “Formatted Number”, “Precision”: 0, “WidthWeight”: 165,
            “MinWidthAbsolute”: 165, “TextAlign”: “right” }, { “Field”: “col1”,
            “DisplayName”: “col1”, “Format”: “Formatted Number”, “Precision”: 0,
            “WidthWeight”: 165, “MinWidthAbsolute”: 165, “TextAlign”: “right” }, {
            “Field”: “col2”, “DisplayName”: “col2”, “Format”: “Formatted Number”,
            “Precision”: 0, “WidthWeight”: 165, “MinWidthAbsolute”: 165,
            “TextAlign”: “right” } ], “Selection”: { “RowSelectionColumn”: “id”,
            “Actions”: { “0”: { “DataSource”: { “_dashboardsType”: “data”, “value”:
            “runQuery” }, “_Type”: “query”, “TriggerColumn”: “*”, “Trigger”: “Click”
            } }, “Mode”: “Single Row”, “SelectedValue”: { “_dashboardsType”:
            “viewstate”, “value”: “selected” } }, “Alignment”: { “paddingLeft”: 0,
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            “21”, “hasOnSettingsChange”: true } } ], “relativeHeight”: true,
            “rowCount”: 24, “rowHeight”: 25, “colCount”: 36, “floatable”: true,
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            “_default”: “”, “_type”: “symbol” }, “.settings”: {} }, “data”: {
            “data”: { “_pagingType”: “NONE”, “_autoExecute”: true, “_autoExec”:
            true, “_columns”: [ “id”, “col1”, “col2” ], “_dataType”: “query”,
            “_dataSource”: “kdb”, “_connection”: “html5evalcongroup”, “_mappings”: {
            “key”: “id”, “mappings”: {}, “value”: “col1” }, “_maxRows”: 2000,
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            “([]rn id:1 + 1 * til 20;rn col1:20?10;rn col2:20?10)”, “_queryParams”:
            [], “_subscriptionKey”: “”, “_hasUpdateQuery”: false,
            “_updateQueryParams”: [], “_updateQueryString”: “”, “_updateType”:
            “query”, “_pageSize”: 2000, “_serverPaging”: false }, “runQuery”: {
            “_autoExec”: true, “_autoExecute”: true, “_columns”: [], “_dataType”:
            “virtual”, “_dataSource”: “kdb”, “_connection”: “html5evalcongroup”,
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            “index”: 0, “type”: “viewstate”, “value”: “selected” } ],
            “_virtualQueryString”: “function (viewstate, callback) {nn // javascript
            goes heren //“”+
            viewstate,”_blank”);n callback({meta:{}, cols:[], rows:{}});nn}” } },
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            false }</data>


    I hope this is helpful for you.

    Kind regards,


  • leahs

    November 11, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: Partitioning Tables Intraday by Custom Fields?

    Hi all,

    A follow up question here: is it possible to disable querying for a SINGLE table in the query router (disable instances with GW and QR)?

    DS_LOG_REPLAY template uses these function to stop queries during writedown, but is it possible to do this on table by table basis to reduce downtime.

      // disable local services with QR
      .ds.serv.disableLocal[.ds.serv.rdbClasses, .ds.serv.ihdbClasses, .ds.serv.hdbClasses];



  • leahs

    November 11, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: KX Insights Extends Real-time Analytics Power to Python and SQL Developers

    Very interesting, great post Laura

    Thanks for sharing with the Community.

  • leahs

    November 10, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: Partitioning Tables Intraday by Custom Fields?

    Hi all,

    The client has since provided feedback and has stated that their question was specifically aimed at DS_LOG_RECOVERY contained within KX Control.

    They have already implemented their own version of intraday partitioning. However, they are wondering if DS_LOG_RECOVERY supports this?

    In the instance parameters, they observed the following description under “date”:

    “Date to save to in HDB, if 1970.01.01 then it takes the date from the TP logfiles”

    Does this suggest that the DS_LOG_RECOVERY process supports or does not support intraday partitioning?

    Any feedback here would be great.



  • leahs

    October 1, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: Querying HDB database after schema update.

    Hi Shane,

    That’s exactly what I was looking for!

    Thanks very much for sharing the documentation, appreciate the help.

    Have a great day,


  • leahs

    September 9, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: KX Control – ds_jemail_a not starting – empty trustAnchors parameter

    Hello Adriano,

    Thank you for sharing this with the community.

    We believe this issue might be Tomcat related. Perhaps, there is an issue in platform but initially, we suggest following the deployment steps again for the TLS trustStore for Tomcat. Ensure that no step was missed, as this appears to be a trustStore issue.

    This link should be helpful for you:

    Let us know how you get on and from your feedback, we can decide on how to proceed from there.

    Kind regards,


  • leahs

    September 6, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: Building REST API KDB – Issues setting up SSL-TLS

    Hello Richard,

    Thank you for providing us with additional information.

    Yes, the part missing regards setting  KX_SSL_CERT_FILE (or SSL_CERT_FILE) and KX_SSL_KEY_FILE (or SSL_KEY_FILE) environment variables to the certificate chain and private key that you wish to use.

    Instructions relating to creating self-assigned certificates for internal/testing use can be followed here:

    This will help you resolve your issue.

    Great content for our community! Thank you for your contribution. We look forward to more.

    Kind regards,



  • leahs

    September 3, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: Building REST API KDB – Issues setting up SSL-TLS

    Hello racuna00,

    Can you provide a screenshot of your work or a transcript of your error, please? This will help us identify the issue.

    For example, perhaps a particular step in the guidelines was an issue or missed and we can then help you resolve this.

    Error messages indicating that there’s a problem loading openssl would be returned if setting up the DLL or .so files were missed. If the TLS Client Mode configuration was missed, then you would get an error when trying requests.

    Therefore, if you could provide more detail for us preferably in the form of screenshots or transcripts, we can help you rectify this more efficiently.

    We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you again for your contribution to our KX Community.

    Kind regards,


  • leahs

    September 2, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: wavg implementation detail

    Hello Ian,

    Thank you for bringing this great question to our attention.

    • We can confirm that
      0 wavg x

      should indeed be 0n. This is a bug and will be fixed by our team. Thank you for sharing this observation.

    The following is an explanation for the other cases:

    • Atoms on both sides behave as if enlisted to single item vectors.
    5 wavg 5  / 5 enlist[5] wavg enlist[5] /5
    • An atom on one side and a vector on the other behaves as if the atom is repeated to match the length of the vector.
    2 wavg 2 3 7  / 4 2 2 2 wavg 2 3 7 /4  5 2 3 wavg 3  / 3 5 2 3 wavg 3 3 3 /3

    We hope our feedback is helpful for you.

    Thank you again for your contribution and engagement with our KX community. We look forward to more.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello ui-justin,

    We are delighted to welcome you to the KX Community. Thank you for your contribution.

    The following should help you for the font-sizing issue of Text&Button:

    @media screen and (max-width: 1600px){
    .basicComponents_label > div { font-size: 17px; }
    .link-button button > span { font-size: 17px; }

    @media screen and (max-width: 1280px){
    .basicComponents_label > div { font-size: 13px; }
    .link-button button > span { font-size: 13px; }

    Let us know how you get on with this. We look forward to future engagement.

    Kind regards,


  • leahs

    August 31, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: KX Analyst – exporting modules as instructions to control

    Hello Adriano,

    Great question. Thank you for getting us thinking here.

    The export order is determined by the most recent modifications in the workspace. The order of records in the workspace itself is appended last and the export is simply getting that order, and not calling out to sort.

    The exporter may additionally order types, like functions before data and sort the data based on dependencies. However, the functions are likely unsorted as you are observing.

    To answer your question, this was not an issue currently being investigated but your observation and suggestion has been noted and our developers are now aware of this as an issue for consideration.

    Thank you very much for your continuous contribution and making a difference here on our community platform.

    Kind regards,


  • leahs

    July 20, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: Unable to create alert instance: type error


    Thank you for being an active member of the KX Community. We are delighted to have you. Your contribution and engagement is very much appreciated.

    Thank you for bringing this point to our attention. I have some relevant information to share with you.

    This issue was first recognized by the KX Team in the 4.6.0P7 environment. It was then rectified in the 4.6.0P8 environment. A solution would be to install 4.6.0P8. If you install P8, we recommend that you clear cache/cookies/browser history before you proceed. It should then work in 4.6.0P8.

    With regards to the bug still existing in 4.6.0P7, I will add this to our feedback board.

    Thank you again for your contribution to content on the KX Community. We hope it will continue to be a fun and engaging place to enhance your overall KX experience.

    Kind regards,


  • leahs

    July 20, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: KX Analyst – Remote Server Password


    Your response is very much appreciated. Thank you for clarifying your issue.

    There is no way at present to set a default remote connection password. There is a way to set a default user for all connections but for security reasons we do not allow a default password.

    We hope this helps you. We look forward to further engagement on the KX Community.

    Kind regards.


  • leahs

    July 20, 2021 at 12:00 am in reply to: KX Analyst – Remote Server Password

    Hello Contributor,

    Welcome to the KX Community. We are delighted to have you and appreciate your content contribution.

    Here’s some information to help you with regards to the points you raised above.

    •  Analyst supports the use of the -U flag. Note that ANALYST_USE_AUTH must be set to no for this to take effect. Please follow this link to find supporting material:
    • For the inspector in a new tab rather than a new window, pressing Ctrl + Shift + I or Command + Shift + I for mac will open an inspector in a new tab instead of a window.
    • Export to excel can be achieved by exporting to CSV from the inspector Data > Export Data… and using the CSV to import to excel.
    • Thank you for your feedback regarding loading existing files from another directory. I will certainly add this to our feedback board. For now, you can do a local upload to an Analyst repo New > Upload local files…

    Thank you again for joining the KX Community. We hope it will be a fun and engaging place to enhance your overall KX experience.

    Kind regards,


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