Forum Replies Created
Hi ,
Thanks for your message. I’m not aware of a way to edit the rendered markdown directly.
You can edit the unrendered version of the markdown file and if you save (ctrl+s), your changes should appear in the rendered version.
The way I would recommend setting up your workspace is splitting vertically by right clicking
Then moving your .md files to one side and the scratchpad on the other, then you can run all your code in the scratch pad (this is the way I have found easiest)
Just be aware you’ll need to either copy and save your code into the unrendered project file or save it in a notepad elsewhere so that you don’t lose your work.
Hope this helps,
Hi , Yes that is correct (kdb Insights Personal Edition renewal – KX Community – 15131)
Hi ,
As with your personal license (Solved: kdb+ Personal Edition licence renewal – KX Community – 14978), you will be able to renew your Personal Insights license after it expires.
Hi ,
You can use “select from” to extract the column from the trade table on disk, and then use “exec from” to extract the data from that column as a list.
To help you complete the capstone project you should first go through the course materials on KX Academy, specifically Fundamentals: qSQL queries will help with this question, or check out the link that Megan sent previously exec keyword | kdb+ and q documentation.
Hope this helps,
Can you send me a screenshot of what you mean? There is no combination required.
You can either use the word
or the single quotation mark
between .Q.sha1 and password. The backtick is not correct here.
No extra libraries are required, these are in built functions within q.
Hope this helps,
Hi ,
Are you running this within the markdown file itself?
I would suggest copying your code into the scratchpad as you’re able to run the code line-by-line and see more clearly what is going wrong.
When you click the “play” button under the code blocks in the markdown file, it is running the entire code block, so you are not able to pinpoint which line is breaking.
Let me know how you get on.
Hi ,
Yes, exactly. Right click and click on profile as described in the question.
This will take you to the visual profiler where you can execute the function to see where the “bottleneck” is. It will show how long each part of the function takes, and your task is to update the code and and improve the time the function takes to run.
The profiler just tells you where the most time and memory in the function is being spent.
Your task is to work out what each part of the function is doing and update the code within to improve upon the time while ensuring the function still works as designed.
You can view the code back in Developer, by either executing the function name with no square brackets e.g.
or on the left hand side of Developer in your workspace tree, under AdvancedCapstone.Visualization
Hope this helps,
Hi ,
I would recommend checking what directory you are in, that error usually means you are trying to load the file from a different directory than where it exists.
If you run pwd you can see the working directory you’re in, you may want to use the full path to the users.txt in order to load it. Feel free to send screenshots of your outputs if you need any further help.
Hope this helps,
Hey Dan,
course-advanced-capstone isn’t the top directory, you’re missing a couple of levels, so if you want to give the full path to the file, you’ll need to start with “/home/jovyan/course-advanced-capstone”.
Alternatively, you can give the relative path from your current directory. If you run pwd, you’ll see the full path to the directory you’re in and you can use “..” to go up one level, and then into “AdvancedCapstone.Data/file/users.txt”
Hope this helps!
Hi ,
That error looks like renamecol isn’t defined in your workspace. Have you loaded the dbmaint.q script?
To check, you can run simply
it should return the definition of the function if dbmaint.q has been loaded.
If it throws the same error as your screenshot, the script has not been loaded, and you’ll need to go back to 1.1 and re-read the hint.
Hope this helps,
AdministratorOctober 27, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Fundamentals Capstone 3.1, 4.4, 4.5 and 5.3Hi ,
Thanks for sending all the screenshots. I can see that your errors are unrelated.
3.1: You don’t need to sort on option_id, and only nbbodata needs to be sorted on time.
4.4 and 4.5: both top5EdgeTimes and bottom5QtyTimes are expected to be tables, so if you remove your “select minute from” in both cases, these tests should pass.
5.3: Double check your code for keying edgeProfileFull – there is a typo in your table name.
Hope this helps!
The issue is you are attempting to execute via the string method on a restricted process. Instead try the functional execution method – see example shown in spoiler tag above in my previous reply. You can also see it mentioned here in the IPC workshop with some examples for you to try.
Hope this helps.
Hi this is by design as mentioned further up in the file.
You will only be able to run the two available APIs via the handle to 5010 – this is how most reference data services would be in the real world as a security measure.
h (`getOptionRef;`FB20200720C230)
Hi , you will be able to download the non-commercial version again in 12 months time to renew your license file while keeping all other scripts / code etc. as is.