Forum Replies Created
Hi Megan,
Thanks for your reply. I have completed the course using my other email address, but I have tried running this and the workspace appears to have remained the same.
As I have already completed the course, I no longer need this issue solved for me personally, but if you need me to send you over anything for reference if it happens to others, please let me know.
Hi David,
Has this been fixed?I’m having the same issue trying to run the kdb+ machine learning jupyter notebooks with docker:
docker run -it –rm –name kdbml -p 8888:8888 kxsys/mlnotebooksThe directory opens fine, but when i try to open one of the notebooks:
[W 15:30:45.114 NotebookApp] Notebook 12 Time Series Forecasting.ipynb is not trusted
[I 15:30:45.721 NotebookApp] Kernel started: 64ff72a0-238f-4f6e-a889-24aa73fb1fe4, name: qpk
‘2024.02.01T15:30:45.753 k4.lic
[I 15:30:45.820 NotebookApp] jupyterq_licensemgr check request
[I 15:30:48.729 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (1/5), new random ports
‘2024.02.01T15:30:48.815 k4.lic
[I 15:30:51.766 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (2/5), new random ports
‘2024.02.01T15:30:51.853 k4.lic
[I 15:30:54.799 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (3/5), new random ports
‘2024.02.01T15:30:54.883 k4.lic
[I 15:30:57.829 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (4/5), new random ports
‘2024.02.01T15:30:57.915 k4.lic
[W 15:31:00.862 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restart failed
[W 15:31:00.865 NotebookApp] Kernel 64ff72a0-238f-4f6e-a889-24aa73fb1fe4 died, removing from map.
[I 15:31:05.889 NotebookApp] jupyterq_licensemgr check request
[W 15:31:06.796 NotebookApp] Replacing stale connection: 64ff72a0-238f-4f6e-a889-24aa73fb1fe4:bcaf4eb8d59841c7af436d111abe94cf
[I 15:31:27.233 NotebookApp] jupyterq_licensemgr check request
[W 15:31:29.128 NotebookApp] Replacing stale connection: 64ff72a0-238f-4f6e-a889-24aa73fb1fe4:bcaf4eb8d59841c7af436d111abe94cf
[W 15:31:45.852 NotebookApp] Timeout waiting for kernel_info reply from 64ff72a0-238f-4f6e-a889-24aa73fb1fe4
[E 15:31:45.867 NotebookApp] Error opening stream: HTTP 404: Not Found (Kernel does not exist: 64ff72a0-238f-4f6e-a889-24aa73fb1fe4)Would be very grateful for help !
Hi ,
Thanks for reaching out about this topic!
After investigation from the KDB.AI team, I can confirm they were able to replicate your issue, and this will be addressed in an upcoming release.
Keep an eye on KDB.AI Cloud Release Notes to see when the next release is.
Thanks again for reaching out!
* editing after speaking to KDB.AI team *
Hi ,
Thanks for your message. Can you confirm you’re using ‘metric’: ‘CS’ in your definition to assign cosine similarity?
And can you give us some more information to we can try recreate this?
- index config
- server version
- client version
- descriptive stats on inserted data data (dimension, outliers, presence of constant vectors)
- descriptive stats on query data data (dimension, outliers, presence of constant vectors)
- are there any outlier values in the data
Would also like to know- if indexes look off or is it just distances
- how far off 1/-1 are distances
Feel free to email me lkerr@kx.com, or send me a DM in the community if you’d prefer to.
Hi ,
I’ve been following the cross-post of this topic on our K4 Listbox, so I’m going to paste some of the suggested solutions below just for future reference!
- How about pointing at a load balanced set of q replicas running the same code?
- You can define my end points, neg ports (Multithreaded input queue mode). Depending upon your user queries, replication is the next option.
- You can also use deferred response to achieve load balancing without clients being aware of any implementation changes.
I understand from the thread that you were successful using deferred response?
Feel free to share more on this channel about your solution
AdministratorDecember 28, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Fundamentals Capstone – Haven’t Received Certification EmailHi I can see your certificate was sent out yesterday at 15.42. Perhaps check your junk folder?
If you still cant find it please email evaneglism@kx.com from the email account you wish to receive it at and I can forward it to you. Thanks
AdministratorDecember 28, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: Issue with kdb+ License File (kc.lic) – Seeking HelpHi
The error k4.lic means that kdb+ has not found a license file. Kdb+ looks for a license file in
. If you are keeping your license file elsewhere, set its path in environment variableQLIC
.This posts suggestion might help:
https://community.kx.com/t5/kdb-and-q/licence-error-k4-lic/m-p/12985/highlight/true#M11076If you are still struggling can you share what QHOME and QLIC are and also list whats in QHOME.
echo %QHOME% dir %QHOME% echo %QLIC%
Hi when I try to run your function I get a error “brokerID” not a types mismatch. Here’s a few things I noticed:
– brokerID should be brokerId on the last line of function– if is incorrect here:
- if function checks is statement true: then executes all subsequent statements if true.
- if the statement is false: do not evaluate the subsequent statements and continue to the next q expression.
- It seems you are trying to do if-else here – have a look at conditional evaluation using $
– question asks for result to be returned in type long – not string (need to cast here)
– colon in wrong place on the last line
I would recommend the Fundamentals courses to learn the basics on Execution Control – using if and if-else
extractBrokerId:{[exMsg] parts: “-” vs exMsg; exch: parts 0; $[exch like “CME*”; brokerId:parts 2; brokerId: parts 1]; :”J”$brokerId}
Great update, thanks for sharing Eoin!
Hi ,
I’m not very familiar with qJupyter as it is an external resource, but I would maybe suggest testing your k4.lic by ensuring q runs from your terminal.
If that’s not working, you might need to grab a new license from kdb License Free Trial Options | KX
I’ll leave this topic open and maybe some others in our community will have experience with qJupyter.
Hi ,
Can I just confirm what version of Insights you were using, and how you had deployed it? Was it the Free Trial?
Love this, Michaela! Thanks for sharing
Hi ,
Thanks for your patience while we investigated this. We raised it with the team internally and it turns out there is an issue with that specific bit of functionality.
The team will work to get a fix and update the documentation accordingly.
Thanks for flagging!
AdministratorNovember 9, 2023 at 12:00 am in reply to: My answer to capstone 3.4 may have broken my developerHi ,
Glad to hear you were able to resolve the issue.
As this project has tasks that involve loading and saving data, the database can end up being different from how it began, so when you try to start over with a slightly different database it may throw errors as you’ve seen.
If you would like more info on this feel free to dm me your code and I can give you a more specific explanation.
Good luck with the rest of your capstone project!
Hi ,
You are correct that trade should be marked as a good trade.
Using “~” in your function is actually always coming back false, therefore each trade is being assigned the last argument of your vector conditional. This actually still works for most of the trades, but for the trade you have highlighted, the ask is also lower than the price, hence it’s assigning the wrong exQuality.
If you use “=” instead of “~” your classifyTrades function should work correctly.
For more insight into why you should use equals over the match operator here, I’ve added some links below.
Comparison | Basics | kdb+ and q documentation – Kdb+ and q documentation (kx.com)
4. Operators – Q for Mortals (kx.com)
Hope this helps!